- colorspace是一款非常漂亮的颜色选取软件 类似windows的调色板 但是软件节目更加直观-colorspace is a very nice selection of software similar color palette windows plate but more intuitive software program
- 程式16-1所示的GRAYS1程式没有使用Windows调色盘管理器,而尝试用正常显示的65级种阶作为从黑到白的多种彩色的「来源」。-formula shown in the 16-1 GRAYS1 programs do not use Windows palette manager, and to try to show the normal 65 kinds of bands as from black to white color with a variety of "sour
- 这个小程序用c语言编程实现,能够改变EGA调色板的颜色。-this small program with c programming language, the EGA can change the color palette.
- WannaPlayDIB实用图形库 Bitmap包装器实现 Bitmap文件存取类:支持8位调色板位图和24位真彩位图的载入,以及24位真彩位图保存-WannaPlayDIB practical packaging Bitmap graphics library for achieving Bitmap file access : 8 palette support bitmap and 24-bit color bitmap included, and 24-bit color bitmap
- Paint a Gradient Color Background 画渐变填充的背景(53KB)-Paint a Gradient Color Background painting the background gradient fill (53KB)
- DibImage is a set of Borland C++Builder classes for use in manipulating and displaying machine vision image data. They are targeted at users who need to manipulate images at the pixel level and hence DibImage is very useful in image processing applic
- 医疗B超图片中的窗宽窗位处理方法,用自定义的调色板实现,效率很好地提高-Medical B ultra-wide picture window in the window treatment methods, a custom color palette implementation, improve the efficiency of a good
- DIB位图显示,图像及调色板,从资源中装入GID位图-DIB bitmap display, image and color palette, from the resources put into bitmap GID
- 通过简单的坐标变换,以及调色板色彩的变化制作的水瓶和杯子水果的图形,图形的效果和素描的差不多-Through a simple coordinate transformation, as well as color palette changes in the production of water bottles and cups of fruit graphics, graphical effects and sketch of the almost
- 通过简单的坐标变换和调色板设置制作的地球的素描图形,图形非常的特别-Through a simple coordinate transformation and color palette set produced by the Earth' s sketch graphics, graphics are very special
- 一个简单的调色板,红,绿,蓝三种基本色均是从0到2-A simple color palette, red, green and blue are the three basic colors from 0-255
- 一个RGB调色板示例,通过设置滚动条的位置可以任意生成8位色图-An example of RGB color palette, scroll bar by setting the location can generate eight color maps
- windows下实时获取鼠标所在点颜色RGB值,以10进制和16进制显示,可设置鼠标位置,打开系统调色板。-show the color under the mouse real-time, the color value are displayed in both Dex and Hex. The mouse position can be set manually, it also allow user to open the system color palette by clicking
- 这是一个简单的调色板主要实现按钮调色和下拉来调色-this is a not complicated color palette
- 有的游戏要求图片是固定大小并且是索引格式的图片,据此写了本软件,控制台界面运行 本软件功能: 把一张bmp,png图片拆成16X16索引格式的png图片,并且调色板大小是按其像素个数来自动获得。图片名以0开始递增。例:0.png-Some games require the size of image is fixed and is an index format, the picture accordingly to write this software, the console i
- 数字图像处理编程入门 windows位图和调色板 图像的几何变换,平滑,锐化,直方图修正,彩色变换,腐蚀,膨胀,细化算法等-Introduction to digital image processing programming windows bitmap and palette images of geometric transformation, smoothing, sharpening, histogram correction, color conversion, erosi
- 做了一个调色板和三角函数,并实现窗体间的切换-Made a color palette and trigonometric functions, and to achieve the switching between forms
- vc——创建和使用调色板\PaletteDemo-vc- Creating and using color palette \ PaletteDemo
- c++图形编程技巧与实例,讲解了颜色板的利用,图形的显示-c++ graphical programming techniques and examples to explain the use of the color palette, graphic display
- 1、根据用户选择的颜色,显示RGB值; 2、根据用户设定的RGB值,显示颜色板。 -1, according to a user selected color, display RGB values 2, according to the RGB values set by the user, the display color palette.