- 现在网上有许多三维条形码的工具,包括QRCode码的工具。但是,很多都是生成码的软件,没有解析码的软件,小弟不才近日做了一个,解析QRCode三维条形码的软件和大家分享一下。 我这个代码 解析的库不仅在 pc上能够运行, 而且 在windows mobile 下的 ppc 和 smartphone平台下都可以运行,当然不是用这个库,如果你要可以问我拿。-now many online 3D bar code tools, including tools QRCode yards. Ho
- 仿造windows画图程序的一个小程序,希望对大家有点帮助。是我的课程设计。-Windows drawing program modeled after a small procedure, in the hope that we are a bit to help. Is my curriculum design.
- 利用gdi+进行对界面的美化,主要是对各种控件,例如树形控件,和list控件等。-At some point in the last month, I needed to create an .ICO file on the fly with a couple of images inside preferably I was looking at code in C#. The .NET Framework 2.0 only supports HICON that basically is