- 一辆汽车加满油后可以行驶N千米。旅途中有若干个加油站。若要使沿途的加油次数最少,设计一个有效的算法,指出应在那些加油站停靠加油。并证明你的算法能产生一个最优解。-You can fill up a car after driving N kilometers. There are several gas stations journey. To make the minimum number of refueling along the way to design an efficient a
Gas station management system
- 该系统为加油站管理系统,内含和数据库建立联系的代码,还有进、销、存、统计等模块功能(This is a gas station management system, including the code of connection with the database. This system has several modules such as import, sales, storage, statistics and so on.)