- C# Primer Plus teaches the C# programming language and relevant parts of the .NET platform from the ground up, walking you through the basics of object-oriented programming, important programming techniques and problem solving while providing a thoro
- 将控件中的数据输出保存到本地excel或word中,同时保存图片到本地(c#)-to control the export of data to the preservation of local excel or word, while preserving photographs of the local (c #)
- 一个.NET库,在c#中操作EXCEL等,可以在此基础之上修改成适合自己的需求-1. THE NET, c #, while operators such as Excel, This can be modified as the basis for their demands
- Some of you may have already come to realize I have previously written and released a similar control via CodeProject. Even though the last control was written using C++ along with MFC, some readers may wonder why I would recreate the same control wi
- 计算器 一个我用不着的计算器.我怀疑为什么这个网站这么麻烦,注册了会员还要上载源码.而上载的源码又不能太短.烦透了.这次下载完了再也不来了.-calculator I do not need a calculator. I wonder why this site too much trouble, the members also registered on the source. While the source code available can not be too short. Ca
- 本文演示采用c#和mappoint2009来查找街道地址。mappoint不使用网络服务,数据都来自于本地。在这里,mappoint提供最经济的方案来实现。-This article demonstrates using C# and MapPoint 2009 to look up a street address from a latitude/longitude. MapPoint does not use a Web Service. All data is stored locally
- 框架设计(第2版):CLR Via C# 被china-pub会员评为“2007年我最喜爱的十大技术图书”之一 知名技术作家类Jeff Richter 为您提供专业指导,让您迅速掌握CLR和.NET Framework 2.0-The purpose of this book is to explain how to develop applications and reusable classes for the .NET Framework. Specifically, this m
- 查看并记录谁连接过自己的计算机,基于C#的源码。来自codeguru站,感谢原作者!-Who connects to your computer? You can be notified by an MSN-like popup window while doing your work. The program can also create its own log file for all historical logon events. The log file created in the
- 总结的近几年的c#的面试题,上传此面试题,意在让更多的人知道这些历届比较经典的面试题,同时让我们更加的了解这些面试的一些技巧. -Summarized in recent years c# face examination questions, upload this face examination questions, intended to let more people know that these more classic side of successive examination
- 本游戏加入了淡入淡出效果,同时加入了调节窗体透明度功能,代码清晰明了,有详细注释,功能代码写得十分详细. 本游戏是我工作之余做的,因为我自己很喜欢玩五子棋,常常和同事切磋,所以开发了这个小游戏.因本人水平有限,程序做的不是很智能,稍为高手点的都可以出赢,本程序主要界面比较美观大方,友好.程序有详细注释,适合初学者研究.如果你对C#.NET也感兴趣,欢迎到我的百度空间或我的个人网站做客.最后附上我的个人网站和百度空间地址. 个人网站:www.2dazi.com 百度空间:http://hi.bai
- CSharpRefThis clause is informative. C# (pronounced C Sharp ) is a simple, modern, object oriented, and type-safe programming language. It will immediately be familiar to C and C++ programmers. C# combines the high productivity of Rapi
- 应用.NET(C#)开发的密码管理系统,具有一定的应用价值,同时对于学习C#有很大帮助!-Applications. NET (C#) development of password management system with a certain value, while learning C# for the great help!
- C#实例教学,有31个实例供大家学习!源码,一边学习一边操作。-C# example of teaching, there are 31 instances for everyone to learn! Source, while learning while operating.
- 用c#编的求多个数的最大公约数,同时导出在excel中-Seeking to use c# compiled more than the number of common denominator, while the export in excel
- 主要是可以将数据结构进行了封装,同时还有很多控件用于对程序的尾部接口,同时他还包含了c#平台-Main data structure can be carried out package, while there are many control interfaces for the end of the program, and he also includes c# platform
- Working as an architect and consultant, I have noticed a severe dearth in the .NET community when it comes to the finer points of using design patterns to build data access layers. The Java camp has followed the patterns = reuse mantra for a long
- c#while语句的使用,while如何写死循环并跳出-using c# while statement, while how to write an infinite loop and jump
- 教务管理系统是一个使用Client/Server技术、面向学校教务处用户的多模块信息管理系统。它采用了当前流行的C/S结构,可以突破了原先教务系统使用的局限性,实现多机同时工作统一数据库。因而就可在多地域、任意时间段来访问教务系统中的数据,大大加强了系统数据共享的能力。另外采用了以上流行和标准的网络技术也极大地提高了系统的可移植性。 教务管理系统特点(The educational administration management system is a multi-module infor
- 使用穷举法并分别用for、while、do…while循环语句求出1..100之间的质数(Use the exhaustive method and use for, while, do, respectively. While loop statement is used to find the prime number between 1..100)
- 这个C语言服务端是本人测试过最完整的服务端 好东西不多说,下载架设体验一番。(This C language server is the most complete server I have tested. Good things don't say much, download and set up experience for a while.)