- 我们可以利用COM组件提供的OnRecieve事件(当串口有数据收到的时候发生)来启动一个事件函数来读取串口数据-We can use the COM components provided by the OnRecieve events (when the serial data are received by the time of the year) to launch an event function to read data from serial port
- 如何用C#语言创建全新的符合.NET规范的COM+组件,这些组件可用于事物处理、安全、事件、对象共享、事件排队以及远程处理。-How to create a new C# language compliance. NET standard COM+ components that can be used for transaction processing, security, event, object sharing, event queuing, and remoting.
- 本书向读者概要地介绍了.NET框架和通用语言运行库的基本概念,进一步讲解了新的.NET框架与已有的COM+ (组件对象模型扩展)技术的互操作方法,即如何在COM+中使用.NET组件以及如何在.NET框架中使用已有的COM+组件;如何用C#语言创建全新的符合.NET规范的COM+组件,这些组件可用于事物处理、安全、事件、对象共享、事件排队以及远程处理。-This book introduces briefly. NET Framework and common language runtime t
- 转载自:http://modthemachine.typepad.com/my_weblog/2012/09/c-help-examples-for-parts-general.html-Here are the VBA examples in this section of samples for parts converted to C#. This group of examples includes an example for an event (TestSelection) that
- U8单据按钮添加实例。C#按钮事件代码及注册成COM-U8 the documents button Add instance. C# button event code and registered as a COM
- C#实现与COM口的实时数据读取,使用事件的方式触发-C# COM port to achieve real-time data and read, use the event triggered
- 用实例讲解了如何在C#下初始化COM,以及如何处理PinChanged事件-describe how to initialize com in C#, and also tell how to tackle PinChanged event
- The MIT License Copyright (c) 2007-2012 Weifen Luo (email: weifenluo@yahoo.com) and other contributors Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "S
Dock Sample
- The MIT License Copyright (c) 2007-2012 Weifen Luo (email: weifenluo@yahoo.com) and other contributors Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Softwar