- 扩展欧几里德算法不但能计算(a,b)的最大公约数,而且能计算a模b及b模a的乘法逆元。平方和乘算法的复杂度:执行次数至少要k次模乘,最多需要2k次模乘。-Extended Euclidean algorithm for computing not only (a, b) the common denominator, and to calculate a modulus b and b modulus a multiplicative inverse of. Square and by the
- 利用k-means算法进行聚类,K-means算法以欧式距离作为相似度测度,它是求对应某一初始聚类中心向量V最有分类,使得评价指标J最小。算法采用误差平方和准则函数作为聚类准则函数。-Algorithm using k-means clustering, K-means algorithm Euclidean distance as a similarity measure, it is the pursuit of the vector V corresponding to a initial
- 将一个四位数分成两段得到的两个两位数,它们的和的平方等于原数,具有这种性质的数没有特殊分布规律,因此采用穷举法对所有四位数进行判断,从而筛选出符合这种性质的四位数。具体算法是任取一个四位数,将其截为两部分,前两位为a,后两位为b,然后套用性质公式计算并判断。-Two two-digit number will get a four-digit divided into two sections, the square of their sum is equal to the original n
- 在高斯混合噪声背景下实现SLIM谱估计算法和l1范数SLIM谱估计法,并在-5到15的信噪比条件与CRLB对比均方频率误差-the paper achieves the SLIM spectral estimation algorithm and l1-SLIM spectral estimation method under the Gaussian mixture background noise,then compares the mean square frequency error
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- hat the image I was created by convolving a true image with a % point-spread function PSF and possibly by adding noise. The algorithm % is optimal in a sense of least mean square error between the % estimated and the tr