- Simple and very efficient multithreaded web crawler with pipeline based processing written in C#. Contains HTML, Text, PDF, and IFilter document processors and language detection(Google). Easy to add pipeline steps to extract, use and alter informati
- OCR Line Detection. One of the first steps in developing OCR systems is line detection .Farsi/Arabic text have some properties which make them different to recognize. For example there are characters in farsi like "i" in English which has two part
- 括号匹配。检测一段文本的括号(包括大括号、小括号、中括号)是否匹配-Matching brackets. Detection of a piece of text in brackets (including the braces, parentheses, brackets) matches
- 串口通信,收发数据,选择com口及设置波特率。-This requires Visual Studio 2010 to compile, which can be obtained free via C# Express. It is just a simple little application with basic support for text or binary (hex) modes to send and receive data. A nice feature or two
- DOTNET- Image Processing Techniques for the Detection and Removal of Cracks in Digitized Paintings
- 功能列表: 1. 一个强大的C#生成二维码类库。 2. 背景色和二维码颜色自定义 3. 封装好的根据文本生成二维码类 4. 支持将二维码插入到图片或者流中 5. 检测和识别二维码 6. 支持WP7和Silverlight -Function list: 1 a powerful C# generating code class library. 2 background color and two dimensional code color 3 pack