- This article describes the exploitation of the pluggable transport infrastructure provided as part of ASP.NET Web Services, which allows developers to deliver Soap messages built in the document/literal format to be delivered to an end point via mech
- VMware lab-manager soap-api-guide-PG-CN,使用 VMware® 《vCenter Lab Manager SOAP API 指南》 ,可以开发使用 Lab Manager Web 服务数据、自动执行任务或将 Lab Manager 与其他软件测试工具集成的应用程序。-VMware lab-manager, the soap-api-guide- PG-CN, VMware ® vCenter Lab Manager SOAP API Guide
- The .NET Framework makes it easy to create and consume Web services, using three major namespaces that deal with Web services: ❑ System.Web.Services — Its classes are used to create Web services. ❑ System.Web.Services.Descr iption —