- extended gridview. this grid view is able to add new rows or columns to the datasource. you can also enable individual cell clicks. it works as rudimentary radgrid from telerik. it add "hidden" column with a textbox on each cell. To show the hidden
- 非常优秀的表格控件原创源码 包括表格控件的源码和简单的事例 结构清晰,代码相对简单易懂 支持六种单元格类型:文本框,检查框,图片,组合框,button,和统计图 支持复杂数据绑定,与datagridview类似可在设计时进行 可合并单元格 提供多种事件,可实现虚表功能,可自绘单元格,可扩展性强 重绘速度较快 -Very good original source grid control Including forms controls and simple