- 主要功能: 实现USB摄像头、虚拟摄像头视频图像的拍照、录制功能。 代码完全使用C#编写,也是最近一段时间理解DirectShow .Net组件的第一个实例,功能较简单,经过一段时间的简单测试应该可以与大家分享一下。 -Main function: To achieve USB camera, virtual camera video camera, recording capabilities. The use of C# code complete
- 交织,在通信系统中有很重要的作用,程序主要包含块内交织和块间的交织。-Intertwined in the communication system has a very important role, procedures within the main block contains interwoven and intertwined between the block.
- Summary of gdb The purpose of a debugger such as gdb is to allow you to see what is going on “inside” another program while it executes—or what another program was doing at the moment it crashed. gdb can do four main kinds of things (plus oth
- Mini project - 2: 使用弦波合成音乐 1. 将主旋律请使用以下的简谱为主,C大调 http://www.jitay.com/pic/201406/948.html 2. temple = 120 (也就是0.5秒为一拍) 3. 音档格式: *.wav档,sample rate: 44.1kHz, bit depth=16bits, channel: 2 (stereo),所以要有wav档的header,让window media player可以直接拨出。
- 说明 1.程序基于WPF C# .Net Framework 4.5开发; 2.程序主界面使用部分DMSkin构建; 3.音频库使用DoubanFM.Bass.dll/Bass.Net.dll/bass.dll; 4.频谱支持库:WPFSoundVisualizationLib.dll; 功能 1.播放本地音乐(支持常见音频文件播放,支持基本的播放控制模式) 2.播放在线音乐 3.无损音乐批量下载(同时支持歌词/歌曲封面