- hiperlan协议中mac接入仿真,one proposed way for random RCH number-hiperlan agreement mac access simulation, one proposed way for random number RCH
- 1.产生(0-1)分布随机数的方法:z i =(16807zi-1 +1)mod(pow(2,32)).被主函数调用. 2.产生U(0-1)分布利用公式:x1=sqrt(-2lnU1)cos(2PiU2), x2=sqrt(-2lnU1)sin(2PiU2) 3.产生瑞利分布,用两个独立同分布的正态分布值,用公式 x= sqrt(Y1*Y1+Y2*Y2)产生瑞利随机数. 4泊松分布-1. 20 (0-1) random number distribution methods : i
- BPSK SYSTEM SIMULATION We simulate the generation of random variables r0 and r1, which constitutes the input to detector.The detector output is compared with the binary transmitted sequence and an error counter is used to count the number of bit e
- it is used to generate random number to simulate the conmmunication scheme, very useful -it is used to generate random number to SIMU late the conmmunication scheme, very useful
- 产生随机数.产生的随机数服从(0,1)正态分布-generated random number. The random number obedience (0,1) normal
- 本文介绍一种新型的基于消息队列的重复型服务器通信软件的设计方法,不同于并发型服务器和一般的重复型服务器通信软件,这种新的软件具有生成的子进程数少的优点,并且轻易对客户机与服务器的连接进行治理,适用于客户机数量较多和随机数据通信的情况,能够有效地提高服务器的运行效率。 -This article describes a new type of duplication based on the message queue server-based communication software d
- 本程序可以对CPU卡初学者是个很好的工具,可以对CPU卡分别进行:寻卡、取随机数、DES加密、外部认证、建立文件等。即使对其不怎么了解也可以很快入门。-This procedure can be CPU card is a good tool for beginners, you can separately CPU card: Find cards, take a random number, DES encryption, external authentication, document,
- 数字通信系统中的随机数生产程序,有泊松分布,正态分布,二项分布等,对研究学习数字通信原理的人有一定参考价值。-Digital communication systems random number generator, there is the Poisson distribution, normal distribution, binomial distribution, etc., to study the principles of learning digital communicati
- 用解析变换法产生指数分布的随机数 是课程设计的小例子-Analysis of transformation with an exponential distribution random number
- 串口调试程序。 vb.net2012下的可用。源码简单。好用。 能自动搜索可用的COM口,带有随机字串,随机数的自动发送。适合用来做模拟串口发送-Serial debugger.under vb.net2012 . Source simple. Easy to use. Can automatically search for available COM port with a random string, automatically sends a random number. Sui