- 这是一个用Windows C编写的应用程序,已经编译成*.EXE文件,在Windows下可以直接运行,下一个上传将是原代码-This is a Windows C applications written procedures, has compiled *. EXE file, Windows can be run directly, the next one will be uploaded the original code
- About WinMTR: WinMTR is a windows clone of popular Matt s traceroute Linux program. Original mtr can be found at http://www.bitwizard.nl/mtr/ Installation: Binary: Unzip winmtr_bin.zip. You will have in unzip directory two files:
- In addition to individual algorithm, Demonstration System is a \"data structure\" (C language version) book algorithm corresponding to the code (CPP) and the test operating procedures (VC + +6.0 to the EXE). Through the system can demonstrate that th
- 用C#编写的串口通讯测试程序,有所有源码。并可通过debug下的exe文件运行查看效果-Written with C# serial communications test program, there are all the source code. Available via the exe file to run under the debug view results
- 第一:为了方便读者进行代码的测试和调试,本光盘里的项目是Debug 版(Debug目录下有可执行文件 *.exe ),所以在运行时,要求读者已经安装了 VC++ 6.0和Turbo C 2.0(Turbo C++ 3.0),并且要按照书里每章的提示和说明去运行,如更改 IP 地址和端口号等。-it s on the vc++6.0 .Maybe useful for your sofeware.
- C语言 学生通讯录课程设计(功能齐全):1、用C语言实现系统; 2、利用结构体数组或动态链表实现学生通讯录的数据结构设计; 3、系统具有增加,查询,删除等基本功能; 4、系统的各个功能模块要求用函数的形式实现; 5、将通讯录信息存在文件中; 6、完成设计任务并编写课程设计说明书。 7、每个同学提交源程序(*.c),可执行程序(*.exe),保存通讯录信息的文件addrbook,课程设计说明书电子文档(word)。 -Student Book C Language
- 学c#的时候用的源码,企业电话客服系统, (1)本系统管理员用户名为:Tsoft,密码为:111。 (2)实例执行文件位置:TM\03\Daila\Daila\bin\Debug\Daila.exe (3)运行本程序需要安装语音卡(东进DJD 161A语音卡)及语音卡的驱动程序,否则运行程序出错-Learn c# source code, enterprise telephone customer service system, (1) the system administrato
- 1、下载工具gsoap-2.8。gsoap是个好工具,包装了SOAP到C++的实现,不需要我们再辛苦。(例子中附带这个工具) gsoap-2.8.zip 因为长名字关系,请到根目录解压后再拷贝进来,直接解压可能会解压报错。 2、我例子目录下面有个文件夹gsoap,里面 soapcpp2.exe、wsdl2h.exe 、wsmap.dat、gsoap.bat、stdsoap2.h、stdsoap2.cpp 这几个文件不要删除。 其它文件可以删除
- To compile for linux: go to project directory source ./setup.sh linux make all Please read the doxygen documentation in doc/html/index.html To complie for windows: go to project directory Build soem libary m