M-file for simulating a QPSK transmitter by modulating with a pseudo random bit stream. A serial to parallel conversion of the pseudo random bit stream is performed with mapping of two bits per symbol. A cosine and sine carrier is configured and the
M-file for simulating a QPSK transmitter by modulating with a pseudo random bit stream. A serial to parallel conversion of the pseudo random bit stream is performed with mapping of two bits per symbol. A cosine and sine carrier is configured and the
端口专家是一个优秀的端口(串口、并口)监视、调试程序,有以下基本功能: 1.能动态设置各种通讯速率、奇偶校验、数据位、停止位和流控; 2.可以16进制形式自动显示接收到的数据,并能同时发送ASCII码(包括中文)和16进制字符串,可以任意设定自动发送周期,定时发送数据; 3.能将接收数据保存成文本文件,便于比较观察;并能发送任意大小的数据文件(以二进制形式发送); 4.能自动保存设置参数,无需每次重新设置。-port experts is a good ports (serial, parall
MATLAB program for OFDM generation and reception
This is a simple MCM communications system. The code is pretty self-explanatory. Here I have not used the cyclic prefix.
Transmitter End:
1. Generate random serial data with M symbols (RAND
实现原理:输出数据要在输出时钟的上升沿锁存-Functional Descr iption: The 48-bit parallel, serial output into the realization of the principle of data: output data to output clock rising edge latches
This code contain the Serial to Parallel based state machine.
Receive a signal from serial port and send a signal to the parallel port,at the same time send a Transport stream(TS) file via the Fiber.
With a serialport & parallelport class.