- ATL写的基于DirectX的游戏引擎,C++编写,使用Visual C++ 6.0环境编写。-ATL was based on the game engine DirectX, C preparation, using Visual C 6.0 preparation of the environment.
- ATL写的基于DirectX的游戏引擎, ATL写的基于DirectX的游戏引擎-ATL was based on the DirectX game engine ATL was based on the DirectX game engine, ATL was based on the game engine DirectX
Backup and restore MySQL DBs within Visual Basic
- The purpouse of this module is to backup and restore mysql databases within a Visual Basic program. Please, don't vote for this one... It is a remake of http://www.planetsourcecode.com/vb/scr ipts/ShowCode.asp?txtCodeId=57138&lngWId=1 which inspi
- 搜所引擎,基于luncen的开发,方便快捷-Found by the engine, based on the development of luncen, convenient and quick
- WinXPC Engine ActiveX Code
- 该程序创建了一个双窗口浏览器:一个窗口显示搜索引擎页面,里一个现实目标页面。-The program has created a dual-window browser: a window shows the search engine pages, in a realistic target page.
- A program to do Screen Scraping. Type a question and select a voice from the computer. eg type What is the capital of Scotland. Wait and the computer will speak the answer. Works in Vista and XP by looking up the MIT START engine and speaking the ans
- VB专用的WinXPC Engine ActiveX界面控件组源码VB dedicated WinXPC Engine ActiveX interface controls group source-VB dedicated WinXPC Engine ActiveX interface controls group source
- Javascr ipt Engine Wraper. You can even implement com interface with Javascr ipt in this container
- Active scr ipt debug, interpriter, activ scr ipt engine
- MFC进行Arc Engine编程,MapCOntrol-using Arc Object to Programm in MFC
- DouPHP 是一款轻量级企业网站管理系统,基于PHP+Mysql架构的,可运行在Linux、Windows、MacOSX、Solaris等各种平台上,系统搭载Smarty模板引擎,支持自定义伪静态,前台模板采用DIV+CSS设计,后台界面设计简洁明了,功能简单易具有良好的用户体验,稳定性好、扩展性及安全性强,可通过后台在线安装模块,比如会员模块、订单模块等,可面向中小型站点提供网站建设解决方案。-DouPHP is a lightweight enterprise website manage