- ActiveX 自启动方式有很多*在使用,好象国内的比较少,最近突然多起来了 由于我一向在 网吧上网,内网肉鸡通常是上不了线的,所以需要端口映射,于是我在几台服务器肉鸡上装了 Vidc 这个东西,可惜 vidc 1.2 服务端是不会自己启动的,所以就需要动手改造。随便研究了一下,呵呵。安装为服务?注册表Run键? [attach=130] 可惜现在是个鸟,无论 老鸟还是菜鸟都喜欢去查看这几个地方,加是什么 优化大师 的帮助,很快,改造的*over了,其实我们不妨
- Software is the computer IO port control, is very good ah, I hope everyone to download the Portuguese, Spanish, Italian, Dutch and Greek language 12 a total of 40 types of translation options. A lot of shop do people are doing their own descr iption,
- Omron & Keyence PLC Active X-Aicon PLC HMI This easy-to-use PLC ActiveX driver demonstrates: 1.1 Writing 10 words PC to selected PLC (Omron & Keyence) 1.2 Reading 10 words selected PLC to PC or Reading 10 x 16 bits selected PLC or both 1.3