- vb调用动态API不用汇编,直接完成 1. 103244822easymap.zip,3292KB 2. APIByName.zip,3KB 3. 01UseAPI.rar,17KB 4. 03CWinThread.rar,11KB 5. 03CThreadLocal.rar,5KB 6. 05OutputDebugString.rar,10KB 7. 06CreateExample.rar,8KB 8. 04Win32AppDemo.rar,11
- ProInject 1.0 1.) Set TargetEXE & InjectDLL in ProInject.ini 2.) Copy your DLL into the folder where ProInject.exe is 3.) Start ProInject.exe, check for errors, it will always exit after 10s. 4.) Start your Game/TargetExe
- Small component for TWebBrowser hook file system. Limitation: - Internet Explorer 7.0 or higher. last fix: - Support XE5 - Store files in DataSet. - Use internal *.css files with my. - Add property - Enabled. - Component complet