- This the example from Iczelion s Win32 Assembly Tutorial part 24. In order to assemble the example, you have to have ml.exe, link.exe and nmake.exe in your path. If they re not in the path, you will have to edit makefile to include the full path. You
- 本实例程序包含两部分,第一部分是加壳程序(Shellcode.asm),负责把一段代码注入到另外的一个程序中;第二部分是用于加壳的程序(attach.asm),这段代码将被写入到另外的一个程序中。被加壳的程序是calc.exe,如果此文件被加壳成功,当运行calc.exe后,程序先弹出对话框,按“确定”按钮后,程序将继续运行并弹出“计算器”界面-This example program contains two parts, first part is packers program (Shel