- 这是一个高级远程控制程序的源代码,可以通过本机操纵对方鼠标,所有传输均通过压缩,确保速度 -This is a senior distance control procedures of the source code, the machine can be manipulated by the other mouse, all transmission via compression, ensuring speed
- 这是一个通过钩子获取鼠标移动的小程序,能很好的获取鼠标的位置和控制移动-This is a hook through mobile access to a small mouse procedure can be very good access to the location of the mouse and control mobile
- 这是一个activex控件.实现安装一个鼠标钩子的功能.-This is an activeX control. Installation of the mouse achieve a hook function.
- VC++鼠标Hook截获鼠标移开事件含控件源码VC + + Mouse Hook intercept the mouse away with the control source event-VC++ Mouse Hook intercept the mouse away with the control source event
- c# 调用钩子函数,掌控鼠标和键盘的操作。获取屏幕的像素值来判断测试的结果,最终送到ShopFloor系统-c# call hook function, control the mouse and keyboard operation. Access to the screen pixel value to determine the test results, and ultimately to ShopFloor system
- 这段代码程序教给你如何编写钩子程序,以及如何利用钩子钩住鼠标,并进行截图操作,代码对进行远程鼠标抓取合成,做远程控制的很有价值的参考-Procedures for the code to teach you how to hook the preparation procedures, as well as how to use the mouse hook hook and screenshot operations, code for remote mouse crawling on the
- hook 手册 Windows系统是以消息处理为其控制机制,系统通过消息为窗口过程(windows procedure)传递输入。系统和应用两者都可以产生消息。对于每个输入事件,例如用户按下了键盘上的某个键、移动了鼠标、单击了一个控件上的滚动条,等等,系统都将产生一系列消息-hook Manual Windows message handling system is based on its control mechanism, system, through the message to th
- 一个模拟摇控器程序,通过HOOK技术可以模拟键盘鼠标,操作远程机器,以利于初学者对HOOK的学习-An analogue remote control program, through the HOOK technology can simulate keyboard and mouse to operate the remote machine, in order to facilitate the learning for beginners right HOOK
- 控制鼠标,使其无法移动,也是DLL的一种简单使用方法-control the mouse
- 一款等同于*器的鼠标记录功能,方便大家远控时监控别人用 -Equivalent to a mouse, keyboard loggers logging, easy to control others when we use remote control
- 易语言源代码,鼠标移入移出事件,本代码可用于学习易语言的鼠标控制API事件-Easy language source code, the mouse moved out of the event, the code can be used to control the mouse easy language to learn API event
- autoit v3 制作 lainline 界面事件记录工具 记录以下事件 :1窗体创建 2消减窗体 3鼠标左击 4鼠标右击 5鼠标双击 6键盘事件 7鼠标拖动 8滚轮上滚 9滚轮下滚 10滚轮按下 截图 11鼠标图标改变 12窗体焦点变化 网页格式保存 版本信息 多语言支持 回放 13窗口显示 14窗口隐藏 15控件焦点变化-autoit v3 interface, event logging tools ma
- 锁定鼠标和键盘 采用钩子函数编写 可控制锁定时间 这是小弟自学钩子的成果 希望对各位有帮助 -Lock mouse and keyboard control the use of hooks to write self-locking hook of time which is the outcome of brother you want to help
- delphi做的鼠标钩子,可以查看控件类型-delphi mouse hook to do, you can view the control type
- VC编程,鼠标控制屏幕里的小人行走到屏幕的任何一个地方-VC program, the mouse control to the screen where the villain to walk anywhere in the screen
- 这是一个屏蔽键盘鼠标方法与实现技术简介: (1)全局键盘/鼠标钩子,对键盘和鼠标的消息进行屏蔽 (2)通过设备的GUID号来禁用设备 (3)通过禁用鼠标键盘的服务禁用鼠标键盘 (4)加载键盘鼠标驱动来控制键盘和鼠标,并禁用 -About shielded keyboard and mouse methods and implementation techniques Descr iption: (1) global keyboard/mouse hook, the keyboar
- 超级工具栏,为了实现悬浮并自动隐藏的桌面工具栏而做,但是发现WINDOWS只要把文件夹拖动到屏幕就能实现,此处为了学习,包含鼠标钩子,动态控件生成。-Super toolbar, in order to achieve suspension and automatically hide desktop toolbar and do, but that as long as the WINDOWS folder you can drag the screen to achieve, here to
- 采用HOOK界面跟踪达到界面控件随鼠标移动略过个产生随影效果很好看的-The HOOK interface to interface with the tracking control the mouse skip a produce effect is very good with the shadow
- 获取窗口句柄,向窗口发送键盘、鼠标控制命令。比如,向游戏-Gets the window handle to the window to send keyboard and mouse control commands. For example, the game
- Kinect v2 鼠标控制源码,Kinect v2_mouse_Control-master-Called v2 mouse control source code, called v2_mouse_Control- master