- 一款注册和反注册DirectShow插件的程序源码,我这里编译没问题,如果不能正确编译,请安装DirecX SDK,最好9.0以前的!-registration and anti-registered DirectShow plug-in program source code, I did not build here. If we can not correctly compile, install DirecX SDK, the best previous 9.0!
- 程序是基于d3d开发的,开发工具vc++,包括画直线、反走样直线、画圆、画椭圆、画矩形、画多边形、矩形填充、多边形填充、3D变换、光照、贴图等-are based on d3d development, development tools vc, including line drawing, anti-aliasing line, Circle. painted oval, rectangular painting, drawing polygon, rectangle filling, po
- 花了接近1年的业余时间精心制作的一款台球/桌球游戏,声音与画面做了很多处理 软件界面可以更换皮肤 技术含量:DirectX8的建立3D引擎, 光投影反射,矢量的碰撞检测,动量守恒与反射定律,以及能量守恒定律,其中还有资源的加密处理移位反相... 非常强大的源码,现在无偿共享给大家。想学习DirectX编程的人必看,可作为精品源码收藏
- DScaler 基于DSHOW的视频播放、采集系统,集成反交错、OSD等其他视频处理效果,功能强大。 VC++源码,当前版本为4119,为最新版本。-An application that does scaling/deinterlacing/inverse telecine using a high powered PC and certain TV capture cards. Essentially, this software converts a PC into a good-
- DirectX 开发 AntiAlisa 反锯齿设置 带游戏绕开消息机制的简单框架 注释全 是学习DirectX的必备.-DirectX game development AntiAlisa antialiasing setting to bypass the message mechanism with a simple framework to learn DirectX, all comments must.
- 用DX实现的3D旋转立方体半透明屏保,实现全频截图,alpha通道半透明特效,边缘反走样,全频抗锯齿特效等-DX-3D rotating cube to achieve a translucent screen savers, to achieve full-range shots, alpha channel semi-transparent effects, edge anti-aliasing, full-frequency effects such as anti-aliasing
- D3Dhook引擎反 不过已经脱离了时代,不是很好用,必须要先于游戏启动-The D3Dhook engine anti but has been out of step with the times, not very good use, must precede the game start