DirectX 中文开发手册
- 很不错的资料,我找了很久才找到的-very good information, I look for a long time to find the
- 我手上的资料不是太多,先上送一个资料,请多多指导。网上的资料实在太少了,所以我得尽力去找一个你喜欢的,请笑纳。-the information I have is not too large, the first one to send information on Please excuse guidance. Online information is too small, so I have to make every effort to find one you like, please
- 些示例是我前天去买 Visual Basic 的书时看到的,因为盗版商正在促销买一送一。(D版软件)当然这些示例也是在盗版软件里找到的,由于光盘表面的粗糙害我心爱的光驱卡了两次盘,可能是因为这个原因现在读盘时总能听到咯噔!咯噔!声。我想她撑不了多久了,不过还好我用的是品牌机,坏了可以换新的。总之这份示例真的来之不易! 也许您已经有过了。这是一个例子DX-these examples is the day before I bought the book Visual Basic to see,
- 使用DirectShow开发的个小东东,使用Visual Studio 2010 在Windows 7编译并测试通过。-This is about DirectShow development in general and filters development in detail. I decided to share the knowledge and experience in this area so there will be a simple tutorial for develop
- Advanced Animation with DirectX 书的配套代码,详细讲解了用DricetX9 制作高级3D动画。说是珍藏版言过其实,但里面附有sdk的下载地址(218MB上传不来),本书的源码对sdk版本可是有要求的,而本资源所附的sdk的版本在能符合那些源码的sdk中又是最新的。想解决版本问题的话,自己摸索固然是不难,但却也是挺费功夫的,特别是下载还有编译出错找原因的时间。但这些都是其次,找sdk资源才是最费劲的,反正我是官网google百度gougou电驴找了挺久才找到。
- One day, CYLL found an interesting piece of commercial newspaper: the Cyber-restaurant was offering a kind of Lunch Special which was said that one could buy one get two for free . That is, if you buy one of the dishes on their menu, denoted by d i w
- One day, CYLL found an interesting piece of commercial newspaper: the Cyber-restaurant was offering a kind of Lunch Special which was said that one could buy one get two for free . That is, if you buy one of the dishes on their menu, denoted by d i w