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- 一个可以用VC的多线程管理的线程池类,类似Java类库的线程池。内有一个Demo程序,帮助初学者理解和使用该封装好的类。-A VC can be multi-threaded managed thread pool class, similar to the Java class library for the thread pool. There is a Demo program to help beginners to understand and use the packaged cla
- 掌握两种实现多线程的方法:继承Thread类和实现Runnable接口。以供初学者学习这两种方法-Learn two ways to implement multithreading: the Thread class inheritance and implement the Runnable interface. For beginners to learn the two methods
- JAVA的入门级别资料,在代码里演示了从JAVA类的概念到多线程的操作等,是一份很不错的资料。-JAVA entry-level data, in this code from JAVA class concept to multi-threaded operating a very good information.
- I. 在C盘下建立一个名为MuliThread.java的文件,MuliThread.java中内容见“附录二”。 II. 通过CMD命令进入命令行方式,编译MuliThread.java文件。 III. 运行编译成功的MuliThread.class文件。根据屏幕反馈,完成报告要求7 – -I. under the C drive, create a file named MuliThread.java the See MuliThread.java in Appendix II
- 适用于对threads和sockets入门-Counter.class :Counter extends Thread, count 10 to 500 CounterApp: two counter,two thread Buffer.java, Producer.java, and Consumer.java:Use to realize synchronization MyServer.java and MyClient.java :socket
- JAVA编写的WEB程序,通过编译,生成类文件,对学习JAVA网络编程有很好的参考价值,-Written in JAVA WEB application, compile and generate class files, to study JAVA network programming has a very good reference value,