- 学习时字库自动保存,已有键盘字符,字母,数字和简单汉字如要识别复杂汉字,请先用学习功能!-Learning font automatically saved the existing keyboard characters, letters, numbers and simple Chinese characters, such as to recognize the complexity of Chinese characters, please use the learning functi
- 一个输入名字的控制台程序,能将输入名字的首字母大写,能识别空格-A C++ programme reads in a person’s full name (first names and family name separated by spaces) from the keyboard, changes the first letter of the names into upper case if it is not in, and then displays the name o
- 输入五个姓名,并将几段名字的首字母大写,能识别空格。最后将输入的名字输出到data文件-Write a programme that reads in the name (Given name+ space+ family name) of 5 persons and writes them to a disk file. Each name in the disk file always starts on a new line. Note that you need consider