- 设计和实现一个银行排队机系统,该系统对银行当前能提供服务的窗口统一调度,使用MFC模拟调度及排队窗口。-Queue design and implementation of a banking system that can provide services to the bank window to the current unified control, scheduling and queuing simulation using the MFC window.
- 设计一个名为Account 类。这个类包含: (1)一个名为id 的int 型数据域,表示账户的身份号(默认值为0)。 (2)一个名为balance 的double 型数据域,表示账户余额(默认值为0)。 (3)一个名为annualInterestRate 的double 型数据域,保存当前年利率(默认值为0)。 (4)一个无实参构造函数,创建一个默认账户。 (5)id、balance 和annualInterestRate 的访问器和更改器函数。 (6)一
- It is the complete medical shop management software is so designed as to ease the work load of medical shop professionals. The main feature includes invoicing, inventory and stock control, accounting, client and vendor management. This software h