- vega prime与C++混合编程实例,模拟第一人称游戏运动,可以左转右转向前向后,类似CS运动模式,能精确调整速度,加速度等数值,可以用键盘和鼠标互动。-This sample illustrates the use of the game motion model (vpMotionGame). It defines the class myApp, which is derived from vpApp, and overrides the vpApp::onKeyInput() me
- vega prime与C++混合编程实例,模拟飞碟运动,不受惯性重力影响,可以左转右转,加速减速,突然加速、停止等功能,可以用键盘和鼠标控制。-This sample illustrates the use of the UFO motion model (vpMotionUFO). It defines the class myApp, which is derived from vpApp, and overrides the vpApp::onKeyInput() method to a
- vega prime与C++混合编程实例,模拟步行运动,可以实现左转右转,前进后退等功能,遇到障碍物会碰撞,可以调节身高速度等数值,可以用键盘和鼠标互动。-This sample illustrates the use of the walk motion model (vpMotionWalk) and a user defined collision detection position strategy. It defines the class myApp, which is deri