- map映照容器的元素数据由一个键值和一个映照数据组成的,他也是采用红黑树实现,插入元素的键值不允许重复,默认从小到大排-Map of the container element data from the shine upon a key value and a mapping data of composition, he is also using red and black tree realization, the elements of the key value not allowe
- 红黑树的实现,如何增加删除节点等,以及代码测试。-Red-black tree implementation, how to increase the delete node, as well as code testing.
- 实现红黑树的所有操作,包括插入、删除、查找、前驱、后继、最大值、最小值,最重要的是能够以树形打印(在控制台下)红黑树-Red-black tree of all operations, including insert, delete, search, precursor and successor, maximum, minimum, and most important to be able to print a tree (red-black tree under the console)
- this is a red-black tree and the basic operations
- Mark ALLEN Weiss的著名书籍数据结构与算法分析里面的源代码,包括基本的数据结构,如链表、栈、队列、堆、树、AVL树、红黑树、各种排序算法.-Mark ALLEN Weiss' s famous book data structure and algorithm analysis inside the source code, including basic data structures such as linked lists, stacks, queues, heap,
- 程序才用c语言编写,实现希尔排序功能,算法复杂度为以2为底logn,另外有红黑树源码-Procedures before using the c language to achieve Hill sorting algorithm complexity is base 2 logn, another red-black tree Source