- vbapi函数手册 为了让大家能更好的阅读和管理Windows API 函数,于是我为大家将网上的资料整理成一个帮助文件。让查阅API 函数变的更简单,容易,也更有效。 本帮助文件中的Windows API 函数大约有774个,共分十二大类,基本上包括了大部分的常用和非常用的Windows API 函数,按分类编排,具有索引功能,支持全文检索,可添加到收藏夹。 声明:本帮助文件由Raise Belling个人整理后出版,内容全摘自网络,版权归实际作者所有。-vbapi manual to fun
- 文本文件(txt)合并: 适合检索多个文本文件时使用(先合并多个文件然后再检索) 简单的TStringList应用举例-text (txt) : a suitable text document retrieval over the use of (merging multiple files first and then search), a simple application example TStringList
- 文件多线程全文搜索得dephi的源程序,文件多线程全文搜索得dephi的源程序-document multithreading dephi full-text search in the source code, documents multithreaded text search in the source dephi
- 主要功能:用于实现文本文件的查找与替换,用VC编写,用到类CStdioFile -main functions : to make the full text of the document search and replace, with VC preparation, use category CStdioFile
- 系列小工具(包括文本的查找,磁盘文件的加密,文本文件加行号等等)GADTERM.zip-series of small tools (including text search, document disk encryption, Text File line, etc.) GADTERM.zip
- CleanR - Text file string search and replace engine.-CleanR - Text file string search and replac e engine.
- 给定起始文件名和要创建的文件数,批量创建文件;同时在指定的批量文件中查找指定的文本内容-given file and start to build a number of documents, batch creation of documents; At the same time designated batch file specified search the text
- Two components for smart searching for files through your disk drives. It scans user specified drives or paths for files selected by file mask. File mask can contain multiple masks (for example: *.exe,*.dll,*.ocx,*.vxd). Thread based search algorithm
- 一个文本处理软件,你可以使用它用来处理常用的文本格式如txt,doc等等,很方便实用,可以下载使用。-TextSTAT is a simple programme for the analysis of texts. It reads plain text files (in different encodings) and HTML files (directly from the internet) and it produces word frequency lists and conco
- 该代码可以进行桌面搜索工具使用,使用C#开发,搜索的文档类型包括office、纯文本系列等。-The code can use the desktop search tool, use the C# development, search the document type, including office, plain text series.
- search for local administrator group members on all servers in a list (text file) and will print results out in a csv file
- How to create a professional dll file and use it in your own program. This dll has lots of functions some of them are given below: 1. It allow the create and delete database on MySql Server. 2. Print ListView data and text file. 3. Utility of ini fil
- 从多个文件夹中搜索出X1,X2,Y路数据文件,并将文件中的数据内容复制到一个文件中,形成一个文本文件。-From multiple folders to search for a X1, X2, Y Road, data files and data files to copy the contents to a file, create a text file.
- Lucene README file $Id: README.txt 164119 2005-04-21 20:47:18Z dnaber $ INTRODUCTION Lucene is a Java full-text search engine. Lucene is not a complete application, but rather a code library and API that can easily be used to add s
- 查找替换命令行工具。可成批处理文本文件,主要特点有: 1.支持通配符、整字、大小写方式进行查找替换。 2.支持对照表文件进行查找替换。左边一列是查找的内容,右边一列是替换为的内容; 3.支持多种输出形式。可以只输出查找到的内容,可以剔除找到的内容,也可以删除包含关键字的一行。-Find&Replace command-line tool. Can be batch processing text files。main features are: 1. Support for wild
- An engine to allow you to search for strings in text files and replace them.
- 主要功能有: 1. 简单文本编辑功能 2. 语法作色功能 3. 正则表达式匹配替换功能 4. 2006-2-9 增加书签功能(待修改) 5. 2006-2-12 改善正则匹配功能,增加在匹配数据中搜索功能 6. 2006-2-17 改善语法着色的设置功能 7. 2006-2-21 增加快速语法着色颜色设置功能,添加delphi风格,Visua Studio风格, 和自定义三种选择! 8. 2006-2-21 修改书签显示,添加文件名 9
- 文本搜索,多线程快速搜索,,,文本搜索,多线程快速搜索-Text search, multi-threaded quick search,,, text search, fast multi-threaded search,,,
- 该程序遍历设定好的文件夹下所有文件,及其下所有各级子目录的文件。检索文本文件,并匹配输入的字符串。支持区分大小写。 -The program traverses predetermined folder of all files and subdirectories in the file of all levels. Search text file, and match the input string. Support case-sensitive.
- 动态搜索文件夹下的带中文,中文字符的文件,并修改成英文字符-The dynamic search folder with Chinese, Chinese characters in the file, and modify the characters into English