目 录
一、特点与性能 3
1.1 打印性能 3
1.2 打印纸 3
1.3 打印字符 3
1.4 接口形式 3
1.5 打印控制命令 4
1.6 电源要求 4
1.7 工作环境 4
二、接口定义和连接 4
2.1并行接口的定义和连接 4
2.2串行接口的定义和连接 8
2.3 RJ45引脚定义: 10
三、控制打印命令 10
3.1概述: 10
3.2命令详解 11
3.2.1打印命令 11
If your computer is connected by a Z6MPlus Printer,either the communication port is parallel or serial,this sample can help you to edit the content of the label and control the printer to print out the labels that designed by you.
一个实现高速公路收费站票据打印样稿的程序,可以利用串口、并口打印机进行测试-To achieve a highway toll station ticket printing comp program, we can use serial, parallel port printer to test