- 這是一個可以自動尋找图像中的長方形, 正方形, 圓形, 菱形的程式-1- Read the RGB (colored) image in from user. 2- Convert image from (RGB) colored to gray image. 3- Threshold the image (convert gray image to binary image). 4- Invert the binary image (in order to speed
- 应用边界信息与基于mumford-shah泛函的先验形状的图像分割-Application of boundary information and based on the mumford-shah functional for image segmentation a priori shape
- Edge detection is one of the most commonly used operations in image analysis, and there are probably more algorithms in the literature for enhancing and detecting edges than any other single subject. The reason for this that edges form the out
- OPENCV双目人脸识别实验,使用OPENCV2.4.6提供的直方统计算法方案为蓝本重新设计架构,将原本的单目识别扩展成双目识别,本工程已实现双目图像提取和双倍识别计算,可进行二次开发,进化成3D形体识别-OPENCV binocular face recognition experiments, algorithm histogram statistics provided by the use of OPENCV2.4.6 is modeled to design architecture,
- For all classifier needs feature classification object .Here the program for height and width feature taken hand image.This program suitable for any single object in the image. input gray_img : input hand image or any measure image like 2d
- 基于颜色形状纹理特征的图像检索,matlab界面,corel库,原创程序。-Image retri based on color shape texture feature, matlab interface, corel library, original program.
- 在代码中,提取图像的形态,进行骨架线的提取。-In code, extract the shape of the image, the extraction of skeleton line.
- 易语言绘制形状图片源码例程程序结合易语言GDIPlus类模块,调用API函数绘制各种形状图片。 点评:易语言绘制形状图片源码是易语言GDIPlus类的应用实例。-Easy to draw the shape image source language routine program combined with easy language GDIPlus class module, call the API function to draw various shapes picture
- 目标检测与识别 1. 颜色检测 采集大量敌方机器人的图片数据,并进行训练,得到对方机器人的颜色区间, 并以此为阈值对整幅图像进行颜色检测,找到疑似敌方机器人的区域,量化 成二值图。 2. 滤除噪声点 对得到的二值图像进行开运算处理,滤除颜色检测结果中的噪声点。 3. 连通区域检测 对图像中的疑似区域进行连通区域检测,计算出每个疑似区域的外部轮廓, 用矩形近似表示。 4. 连通区域合并 根据连通区域之间的距离和颜色相似性,将距离接近且相似性高的连通区域
- 基于STM32的图像识别。可识别简单的形状,如圆形,方形。(Image recognition based on STM32. A recognizable shape, such as a circle or a square.)
- 链码画图片形状特征,matlab实现,亲测可用(Chain code painting image shape feature)
- 形状是由图像的轮廓形成的,所以理论上形状识别是通常在边缘或轮廓检测后的步骤。(edge_based_matching The shape is formed by the outline of the image, so theoretically the shape recognition is usually the step after the edge or contour detection)
新建文件夹 (2)
- 这个程序是基于图像内容中的形状特征对图像相似度进行比较,最后进行相似度排序(This program compares image similarity based on the shape features in the image content, and then sorts the similarity.)
- image segmentation, active contours, shape prior
- 设计采用DSP控制的采棉机图像识别与处理系统,该控制系统核心采用TI公司的DSP TMS320F28335,它根据棉花的形状和所处的位置信息,决定是否发出采摘信息,从而控制采摘的步进电机旋转,使采摘口能够绕采摘头轴线旋转360度动作,使采摘口智能寻棉,实现棉花的精准定位与快速准确采摘。(The design of a cotton picker image recognition and processing system controlled by DSP is designed. The c
- Morphological transformations are some simple operations based on the image shape. It is normally performed on binary images. It needs two inputs, one is our original image, second one is called structuring element or kernel which decides the nature
- 提取了图像的形状特征,文件自带测试图,在matlab 2016上成功运行(Extracted image shape features)
- Rosenfeld细化算法是一种并行细化算法,所得的骨架形态是8-连接的,使用于0-1二值图像。(Rosenfeld thinning algorithm is a parallel thinning algorithm. The skeleton shape obtained is 8-connected and used in 0-1 binary image.)