Process a binary data stream using a communication system that
consists of a baseband modulator, channel, and demodulator.
Compute the system s bit error rate (BER). Also, display
the transmitted and received signals in a scatter plot.-Proce
二进制通信系统的蒙特卡罗仿真。用蒙特卡罗仿真估计使用相关器或匹配滤波器的二进制通信系统的误码率 ,并画出 对SNR的图。-Binary communication system Monte-Carlo simulation. Estimated using Monte-Carlo simulation or use of binary matched filter communication system bit error rate, and draw the map of the SNR.
主要是运用Systemview软件对二进制振幅键控(2ASK)系统、二进制移频键控(2FSK)系统、二进制移相键控(2PSK)系统以及二进制差分相位键控(2DPSK)系统进行设计,然后对设计的系统进行仿真,这其中分别包括它们的调制和解调系统。-Systemview based simulation of communication systems is the use of software Systemview binary amplitude s
序列检测器可用来检测一组或多组由二进制码组成的脉冲序列信号,这在数字通信领域有广泛的应用。当检测器连续收到一组串行二进制码后,若这组码与检测器中预制的码相同,输出为A,否则输出为B。序列检测I/O口的设计如下:设Din是串行数据输入端,clk是工作时钟,clr是复位信号,D是8位待检测预置数,QQ是检测结果输出端。-Sequence detector can be used to detect one or more sets consisting of binary code from the
LABVIEW实现串口通讯各类串口,二进制解码问题-LABVIEW Serial Communication various serial, binary decoding problem
一、DS18B20 的主要特性
(2)独特的单线接口方式,DS18B20 在与微处理器连接时仅需要一条口线即可实现微处理器与
DS18B20 的双向通讯
(3)DS18B20 支持多点组网功能,多个 DS18B20 可以并联在唯一的三线上,实现组网多点测温-FEATURES
Unique 1-Wire
interface requires onl
BCH(15,5,7)a communication system consists of binary source, 3 error-correcting BCH code of length 15 over GF(24) (i.e, BCH (15,5,7 code), the primitive polynomial is p(x)=1+x+x4), BPSK modulator, AWGN channel, coherent demodulator, decoder (either B
实现PC与89c52rc单片机之间的通信。发送二进制代码到单片机然后再返回。包括上位机程序和下位机程序。-PC and 89c52rc communication between the microcontroller. Send binary code to the microcontroller and back again. Including PC program and the lower computer program.
ZKLibrary is PHP Library for ZK Time & Attendance Devices. This library is design to reading and writing data to attendance device (fingerprint, face recognition or RFID) using UDP protocol. This library is useful to comunicate between web server