CW6680E LQFP48 BT Boombox DEMO V1.0
- 蓝牙资料,包含蓝牙,USB,TF卡,耳机,LINE IN。收音机功能(Bluetooth data, including Bluetooth, USB, TF card, LINE headset, IN. Radio function)
- 蓝牙资料,包含蓝牙功能,USB,TF卡,耳机,LINE IN。收音机功能(Bluetooth data, including Bluetooth, USB, TF card, LINE headset, IN. Radio function)
- 蓝牙资料,包含蓝牙,USB,TF卡,耳机,LINE IN。收音机功能(Bluetooth data, including Bluetooth, USB, TF card, LINE headset, IN. Radio function)
- 蓝牙资料,包含蓝牙,USB,TF卡,耳机,LINE IN。收音机等功能(Bluetooth data, including Bluetooth, USB, TF card, LINE headset, IN. Radio function)
LED 0.9 MIN _V1.0 2014.12.22.pcb
- 蓝牙资料,包含蓝牙,USB,TF卡,耳机,LINE IN。收音机功能(Bluetooth data, including Bluetooth, USB, TF card, LINE headset, IN. Radio function)
LED 1.2 MIN _V1.02014.12.17
- 蓝牙资料,包含蓝牙,USB,TF卡,耳机,LINE IN。收音机,闹钟功能。(Bluetooth data, including Bluetooth, USB, TF card, LINE headset, IN. Radio, alarm clock function.)
- 这个程序是基于CSR蓝牙8670的开发sink端接口手机音频的源码程序,带有BLE接收功能!(This program is based on CSR Bluetooth 8670 development of sink interface, mobile phone audio source program, with BLE receiver function!)
- A demo used for Bluetooth communication between Android phones can simply control local devices to search for nearby Bluetooth devices, and add some Bluetooth headset functions, that is, a cell phone can control another cell phone to achieve dialing
- 介绍蓝牙耳机测试指导,可以让测试人员轻松上手操作(Introduction of Bluetooth headset test guidance)