- 华为的编程规范和范例 排版,注释,标示符命名,可读性,变量,结构,可测性,程序效率,质量保证,代码编辑,编译,审查,代码维护等-Huawei programming specifications and examples of layout, annotation, naming identifiers, readability, variables, structures, testability, procedural efficiency, quality assurance, code
- 指导程序员怎样实现从仅写出正确代码到优质易懂代码的飞跃。-Many programmers know how to write correct code- code that works. But not all know how to craft great code- code that is well written and easy to understand. Code Craft teaches programmers how to move beyond writing corre
- 通过学习例子中的代码,可以学会语言中所不知道的语法忽略点。同时也可以复习对于该语法语义的理解。-Example by learning the code, you can learn the language do not know the syntax overlooked point. At the same time you can review the syntax for the semantics of understanding.
- E269.Net会员管理系统 功能简介: 1. 可设置会员按等级访问不同的页面,或取消 2. 可设置打开注册会员,或暂停注册会员 3. 会员可自由修改自己的注册资料 4. 会员可通过注册资料找回登录密码 5. 可设置为需要管理员审核后,会员才能登录,或取消审核 6. 管理员后台可搜索、修改、删除、锁定会员 7. 会员密码MD5加密,防SQL注入攻击,防跨站攻击,防数据库下载 8. 代码优化,可兼容性很强,安全高效,简单易用 管理员名:e269net
- 《万年历》,是本人初学C语言,编制的第一个较为庞大的程序,当时欣喜若狂,于是爱上编程并从此走上软件这条道路,到今天从事嵌入式开发,回顾头来再看这些代码,相比今时今日,可以说微不足道,翻箱倒柜把它折腾出来,是为了鼓励更多软件爱好者,你也行!-" Calendar" , is my beginner C language, compiled a more extensive procedure first, then ecstatic, then fell in love with
- 注册造价师考试复习系统,很不错的易语言源码,适合易语言爱好者学习。-Cost Engineer Exam Review system, very good and easy language source code for easy language enthusiasts to learn.
- Now that we have determined the site, histology, behavior and grade of the cancer we are reporting, we must code the extent of disease. Lung cancers are coded based on the extent of the cancer and the size of the tumor. In this section of the present
- C语言复习讲义 10-11章习题答案 程序源代码-Review lectures 10-11 C language source code Chapter answer
- C语言复习讲义 6-9章习题答案 程序源代码-Review Handout 6-9 C language source code Chapter answer
- C语言复习讲义 1-3章答案 程序源代码-Review Handout 1-3 C language source code Chapter Answers
- C语言复习讲义 4-5章答案 程序源代码-Review Handout 4-5 C language source code answers
- 阅卷系统。通过读取某个文件夹下代码文件进行评分工作,评分完毕之后可以进行数据处理和保存工作,包括求均分,最高最低分复查等等。-Marking system. Scores of work by reading a folder under the code file, can score after data processing and preservation, including seeking the highest score, lowest score review etc..
- java入门的坦克大战源代码,方便熟悉java基础。此代码也可用作刚入门不熟练的同学回顾-Getting Tankedaizhan java source code to facilitate the familiar java foundation. This code can also be used just started inexperienced students review
- 浙江大学数据结构基础的部分课本源代码整合-Source code integration of Data structure-based Zhejiang University, part textbook
- 爬取淘宝评论,并汇总,并导出评论。分析用户情感,全网第一个爬取淘宝评论的源代码,要明白淘宝有反爬机制。-Crawling Taobao review summary analysis of user comments and export the whole network first emotion crawling Taobao commented source code to understand the mechanism of anti-climb Taobao
- 该代码请在python2.7下运行,意在爬取天猫商品评论,已经过调试,可以直接运行。-The code, please run under the python2.7, intended to crawl Tmall commodity review, has been debugging, you can run directly.
- 数学建模方法介绍以及MATLAB程序代码实现,高斯牛顿方法综述和其他解法步骤描述。-Mathematical modeling method is introduced, and MATLAB code implementation, review and other solution steps describe gauss-newton method.
- Mckd用于提取周期信号中的冲击成分,亲测可用,不喜勿喷- MAXIMUM CORRELATED KURTOSIS DECONVOLTUION code and method by Geoff McDonald (glmcdona@gmail.com), May 2011 This code file is an external reference for a paper being submitted for review.
- 测试小文件能否顺利上传 test upload only(yelp dataset review example code, test upload only)
- 在阿里大于平台上添加自己的签名(网站名称)让审核通过。 在阿里大鱼平台上申请以下格式的模板,审核通过可以在小京东后台上把模板id给输入 1. 订单模板:您有一条新订单,订单号为:${code},请注意查看。 2. 付款模板:客户已付款,订单号为:${code},请注意查看。 3. 发货模板:您的订单已发货,订单号为:${code},收货人为${shr},收货地址为${dizhi},请注意查收 4.绑定手机模板:您的验证码为${code},您正在进行${mingcheng}绑定手机号,