- 仿MATLAB计算软件本软件是一款科学计算平台,支持MATLAB的大多数语法,但尚不支持外部函数调用和复杂的数据结构。本软件可供广大师生进行基本的学习和教学工作,对科研人员也有所帮助。“YAM”意为“Yet Another Matlab”。本套软件包含如下程序: YAM.exe 软件主程序,用于输入和输出指令 compiler.exe 用于进行源代码编译并生成中间代码 interpreter.exe 用于解释中间代码并生成最终结果 Figure.exe 用于绘制图形
- matlab 编写的小游戏 可交互玩 平台在一个figure 可供学习和娱乐-matlab prepared to play a small game may be interactive platform in a figure available for learning and recreation
- In recent years, sliding mode control has been suggested as an approach for the control of systems with nonlinearities, uncertain dynamics and bounded input disturbances. The most distinguished feature of the sliding mode control technique is its abi
- In recent years, sliding mode control has been suggested as an approach for the control of systems with nonlinearities, uncertain dynamics and bounded input disturbances. The most distinguished feature of the sliding mode control technique is its abi
- A 2by3 MIMO model using Simulink. The decoder uses zero forcing algorithm. Set in the workspace the modulation order (QAM modulation), Doppler shift, SNR in dB, bit rate, sample per frame, max number of bits and max number of errors before running th
- MATLAB写的,从基本原理出发,判定给定图是不是二部图,文件中有两个例子可以验证算法。-Written by MATLAB, starting from the basic principle, determine a given graph is figure, can validate algorithm file, there are two examples.
- 细化算法,简单方便,适合在matlab软件中进行2值图的细化。-Refinement algorithm, simple and convenient, suitable for two values of refinement in Figure matlab software.
- Matlab program for graphical presentation
- This project is simulation of the MASK modulation in the MATLAB. this project has one file for Modulating some random number and one file for demodulating of the signal. just run the first code and after that run the second code. this code also has
- 使用预定义函数erfc在MATLAB中构建Q函数。 在相同的图中绘制分析BER对于BPSK和QPSK的Eb / N0(0-15 dB)(Build a Q-function in MATLAB using a predefined function erfc. Plot the analytical BER vs. Eb/N0 (0-15 dB) for BPSK and QPSK in the same figure)
- 几种光学衍射程序和图形,可以应用在物理光学中(the program and figure in optical is introdued with matlab,and it can be used in physics)
- 彩色图像处理,matlab,.m编程文件((a) Write a computer program that converts an arbitrary RGB color image to a web-safe RGB image (see Fig. 6.10 for a definition of web-safe colors). (b) Download the image in Fig. 6.8 and convert it to a web-safe RGB color image
- 1. 均值滤波:即线性滤波,有: a.邻域平均, b. 加权平均两种。 a. 邻域平均:用一个像素邻域平均值作为滤波结果,此时滤波器模板的所系数都取1,为保证输出图仍在原来的灰度值范围,在算得R后要将其除以系数总个数再进行赋值,对3*3的模板来说,在算得R后要将其除以系数9。 b. 加权平均:对同一尺寸的模板,可对不同位置的系数采用不同的数值,一般认为离对应模板中心像素近的像素应对滤波结果又较大贡献,所以接近模板中心的系数可比较大而模板边界附近的系数应比较小。(1. mean filter
- 用matlab求解求频响函数的实频、虚频、幅频、相频及Nyqiust图(Frequency response function of matlab to solve o real or imaginary frequency, amplitude frequency and phase frequency and Nyqiust figure)
- MATLAB code related to plotting figure
- MATLAB code related to plotting figure and modulation of signals
MIMO Channel
- MATLAB code related to plotting figure Also about channel estimation and mimo systems
- 对于实序列??[??]=??????(????/??),???≤??≤????;计算出??(??????)。并对x[n]作奇偶分量分解,分别计算出奇、偶分量的频谱????(??????)与谱 ????(??????)。 (1)频率计算范围:-pi~pi,频率步长设置:pi/800; (2)分别画出:x[n]的频谱实部、x[n]的频谱虚部、偶分量的频谱实部、偶分量的频谱虚部、奇分量的频谱实部、奇分量的频谱虚部;排列方式如图所示; (3)6个图的横坐标对pi作归一化处理,显示范围设置为:-1~
- 用matlab代码实现一个心形图形的实现并且按照顺时针或者逆时针转动(Implement a heart figure with matlab code and turn clockwise or clockwise)
- 标准化数据,可以用来进行Bland-Altman and correlation 以及画图(This customizable data analysis tools generates a Bland-Altman and correlation scatter plot. Data can be displayed using color and shape coding of groups using a 2D or 3D matrix notation. Data points can