- Application software (an application) is a set of computer programs designed to permit the user to perform a group of coordinated functions, tasks, or activities. Application software cannot run on itself but is dependent on system software to . Exam
- 小型飞行模拟程序,用于仪表显示和姿态控制(A small flight simulator is used for instrument display and attitude control)
- 为APM,Pixhawk飞控升级最新版本固件; 对飞控进行配置,调整参数以达到最优的性能; 可以在Google或者其它地图上进行点击式的飞行路径规划设置,并将自动航线飞行任务上传至飞控; 可以将飞控上记录的飞行日志下载下来并进行分析; 可以和PC上的飞行模拟器软件进行交互,来实现一个无人机的半实物仿真功能; 在拥有合适的数传电台的情况下,你可以: 1.在操作飞行器的时候同时监测它的状态; 2.通过无线数据传输可以记录下比板载日志功能更多的信息;