- 在业余时间编写的一个用于姓名测试的VBA。采用的是五格法,根据姓名的分为天格,地格,人格,外格,总格,所谓“五格”,然后将五格对应一些固定的数字测定姓名的好坏。-In his free time to prepare a test for the names of the VBA. Adopted by the five grid method, in accordance with the names of the two-day Georgia, and Georgia, personali
- 用c语言演绎“生命游戏” 本世纪70年代,人们曾疯魔一种被称作“生命游戏”的小游戏,这种游戏相当简单。假设有一个像棋盘一样的方格网,每个方格中放置一个 生命细胞,生命细胞只有两种状态:“生”或“死”。-Using c language interpretation " life game" 70s of this century, people had a tremendous influence known as the " life game&qu
- 天津大学ACM网站题,希望和大家交流一下,学习一下,谢谢!- Robot in Maze(TOJ 2470)——(b3.cpp) There is a robot trapped in the maze. Now you have to send out some instructions, telling it how to reach its destination. The maze is an M* N grid. Some of the cells are empty,
- finite element method- *********************************************************************** 3-D FDTD code with PEC boundaries *********************************************************************** Program author: Susan
- 给定一个2n*2n的残缺棋盘,问如何放置三格板,使得除残缺格外,棋盘中其他格子都被三格板覆盖,并且放置的三格板互不重叠。-Given the deterioration of a 2n* 2n board, and asked how to place three cell plate, making the extra addition to incomplete, the board were three other lattice grid plate coverage, and pla
- 用PSCAD软件编写的燃料电池发电模型,包括逆变器-Fuel cell power generation model
- ios上的列表库,GMGridView,可以横向总想滚动列表,拖动、删除、编辑单元格等-An iOS Grid-View allowing the user to sort the views in the scrollView and also to see the views in full-size by pinching them. This view is inspired by the UITableView and uses a datasource and delegates i
- 用来给电脑族定时自动提醒休息眼睛的软件,可自己设置时间,之后每格一定时间电脑屏目上会出现置顶的提示框。格几秒后自动消失。-Used to automatically remind computer users regularly break eye software, you can set up their own time, after a certain time each cell will appear on the computer screen mesh Sticky prompt
- 仿真软件MATLAb搭出来的一个光伏电池并入微电网模型,大家可以参考下-Simulation software MATLAb take out a photovoltaic cell and nuanced grid model, we can refer to
- Grid connected fuel cell simulink model
- poj 1230 In modern day magic shows, passing through walls is very popular in which a magician performer passes through several walls in a predesigned stage show. The wall-passer (Pass-Muraille) has a limited wall-passing energy to pass through at m
- Grid Connected Wind Turbine-Fuel Cell Power System Having Power Quality how to do this
- 由三角网格单元节点上的值,求得三角网格单元中心点的值-By the value of the triangular grid cell node cells obtained values of the center of the triangle mesh
- 4 view modes supported (Grid mode, Form mode and Grid/Form combinations). Advanced search screens. Add, Update and Delete screens. Advanced cell formatting. Grid and Form templates. CSS support. Subtables, multi-subtables and cascading su
- 假设有一个像棋盘一样的方格网,每个方格中放置一个生命细胞,生命细胞只有两种状态:“生”或“死”。-Suppose you have a like a checkerboard grid, each box placed in a living cell, the cell life only two states: life or die .
- photo voltaic cell design connected to grid
- Grid cell min.max.and determine between value
- 将三维点云投影到二维,进行动态物体检测与跟踪,适合无人车应用,值得学习(transform point cloud to grid map)
电磁波Yee Cell FDTD交错网格场量位置示意图
- 电磁波Yee Cell FDTD交错网格场量位置示意图,matlab编写的程序,用于fdtd交流。(Electromagnetic wave Yee Cell FDTD staggered grid field position schematic diagram, written by MATLAB program for FDTD communication)
micro-grid based on CSO
- 本文分析微网中微电源包括光伏发电、风力发电、微燃机、柴油发电机和燃料电池的电气特性,构建微电网优化运行的模型,以微网的经济成本和环境成本最小为目标函数,充分考虑了电压越限、功率平衡、微电源出力限制等约束条件,应用鸡群算法进行求解。 解决了粒子群算法易早熟、易陷入局部最优解的问题。并通过典型的微网系统进行仿真分析,仿真结果验证了该算法的有效性。(In this paper, the electrical characteristics of micro-power sources in micro