- Here are some IDC scr ipts I ve written for IDA and have been using for quite a long time. I tried to extract as much info as possible from the different RTTI structures made by Borland compilers (and a bit from MS). I started them before IDA
- 经典的八数码和十五数码问题的完美解决方案,对于任何情况均可以迅速出解,并且可以动态演示。并非用传统的A*或IDA*算法实现,效率远高于A*和IDA*算法。-The classic eight digital and 15 digital perfect solution for any situation can be quickly out of solution, and can be a dynamic presentation. Not achieve with traditional
- ida pin tracer。 ida pro 调试跟踪工具,pintool方式实现。-This is a PIN tool that is used to connect IDA Pro debugger and PIN. IDA can use PIN to instrument a binary file, trace it, and even debug it. Breakpoints can be added to the target process, it can be
- Modbus 是由 Modicon(现为施耐德电气公司的一个品牌)在 1979 年发明的,是全球第一个真正 用于工业现场的总线协议。 ModBus 网络是一个工业通信系统,由带智能终端的可编程序控制器和计算机通过公用线路或局部专 用线路连接而成。其系统结构既包括硬件、亦包括软件。它可应用于各种数据采集和过程监控。 为更好地普及和推动 Modbus 在基于以太网上的分布式应用,目前施耐德公司已将 Modbus 协议的 所有权移交给 IDA(Interface for Distribute