- 本文实现了在连续视频数据流中几种不同的运动检测算法,他们都是基于当前帧图像和前一帧图像的比较,程序使用了AForge.NET framework库。其中的示例代码支持下面几种视频格式:AVI文件、网路相机的JPEG和MJPEG,本地的采集设备(USB相机等)。-This article implements a continuous video data stream in several different motion detection algorithms, they are based
- 本文在Matlab7.5下面实现了fisherface算法,选用的人脸库是ORL,其中有40 人,每人有10幅不同的人脸图像。本文选取了每人9幅作为训练(1幅作为测 试),图像大小为112x92。-In this paper, the following Matlab7.5 realized fisherface algorithm, selection of face database is ORL, in which 40 people, each person will have
- 关 联 规则算法在医学图象知识发现中的应用-Association rules algorithm in medical image knowledge discovery application
- 优纳科技2009年校园招聘笔试题-图像算法方向,付简单答案-You satisfied the recruitment of science and technology campus in 2009 Pen Test- image algorithm direction to pay a simple answer
- 硬件 部 分 ,我们建立了以ARM处理器为核心的开发板,通过CMOs摄 像头实时采集图像信息并通过液晶显示器显示。操作系统部分实现了实 时嵌入式操作系统的开发和移植,并在系统上扩展了文件系统模块,使 之支持图像信息的存储和更为广泛的应用开发。图像算法部分实现了图 像采集、BMP编码、图像存储,以及对所生成的数字图像进行数字处理 等功能。-Hardware part, we set up the ARM processor as the core to the developm
- 计算图像的描述子算法,使用LabVIEW调用matlab程序实现处理与显示-Image descr iptor calculation algorithm, using the LabVIEW program called matlab processing and display
- 基于内容的图像检索算法的研究,颜色直方图算法。-Content-Based Image Retrieval Algorithm,Color histogram algorithm
- 效果非常好的数字水印的源代码,实现了基于小波变换的奇异值分解算法,选取载体图像的LH子带作为载体,并进行攻击测试算法性能-The effect of a very good source of digital watermarking, wavelet transform based on the realization of the singular value decomposition algorithm, select the carrier of the LH sub-band ima
- source code for light normalisation presented by Ralph Gross in this paper @inproceedings{RGross_AVBPA_2003, author = "Ralph Gross and Vladimir Brajovic", title = "An Image Preprocessing Algorithm for Illumination Invariant Face Recognition",
- Regularized deconvolution can be used effectively when constraints are applied on the recovered image (e.g., smoothness) and limited information is known about the additive noise. The blurred and noisy image is restored by a constrained least square
- A Qt4 and OpenCV program to label a image at pixel level, It has inbuild segmentation algorithm included, with a bar for varying parameters. Useful tool for annotating a image.
- LSB类似的算法来解决图像的加密解密问题-LSB similar algorithm to solve the problem of image encryption and decryption
- 该程序运用蚁群算法,具体为蚁群的寻路过程进行图像分割,针对普通图像跟MRI图像进行轮廓提取,效果不错,值得学习!-The program using ant colony algorithm, specifically for the colony s way-finding process of image segmentation, for the general outline of the image with the MRI image extraction, good results
- 该程序可以实现二值图像的细化,采用的不是matlab自带的函数算法进行处理,而是采用了一种新算法进行细化,比原算法有很大改进,值得研究!-The program can achieve binary image thinning using matlab built-in function is not processing algorithms, instead of using a new algorithm refinement, a significant improvement ove
- 该程序为gui程序,程序中很多菜单可以实现三维体可视化,区域生长算法进行图像分割以及栅状图三维可视化,界面很好!-The program for the gui program, the program, many of the menu can be achieved visualization of three-dimensional body, region growing algorithm for image segmentation and visualization of thre
- 该程序是我毕业设计时候做的,是运用蚁群聚类算法进行图像分割的程序,针对普通图像跟MRI图像进行处理,效果不错!-The program is designed to graduate when I do, is to use ant colony clustering algorithm for image segmentation procedure, for the ordinary image processing with the MRI images, good results!
- 采用模糊聚类算法和加核模糊聚类算法进行医学图像的分割。采用matlab编程,界面处理较好。 -Using fuzzy clustering algorithm and processing of nuclear fuzzy clustering algorithm for medical image segmentation. Using matlab programming, interface, better handling.
- Median Cut Algorithm,RGB,image,algorithm,quantization,color,red,blue,green,multimedia processing,
- 用sift算法进行图像的匹配。可以两幅不同的图像中进行点对点的匹配。很好的图像匹配的算法。用matlab编程-Using sift algorithm for image matching. Two different images can be carried out point to point matching. A very good image matching algorithms. Programming using matlab
- image processing algorithm