- Show image on label in its full size
- A Qt4 and OpenCV program to label a image at pixel level, It has inbuild segmentation algorithm included, with a bar for varying parameters. Useful tool for annotating a image.
- input: param: parameters of the LMGE algorithm param.mu, param.alpha, param.beta are regularization parameters. param.p: dimension of shared subspace param.k: number of nearest neighbors for Laplacian matrix X: input data Y: ground
- this was the code for SOM based brain image segmentation which can segment brain image and finally the segmented labelled image was represent as a color label. this code segment the tumor spot of an given brain image and represent as a color label. w
- 在計算機視覺領域,圖像分割(Segmentation)指的是將數字圖像細分為多個圖像子區域(像素的集合)(也被稱作超像素)的過程。圖像分割的目的是簡化或改變圖像的表示形式,使得圖像更容易理解和分析。圖像分割通常用於定點陣圖像中的物體和邊界(線,曲線等)。更精確的,圖像分割是對圖像中的每個像素加標籤的一個過程,這一過程使得具有相同標籤的像素具有某種共同視覺特性。-In computer vision, image segmentation is the process of partitionin
- Colourhistogram II. TEXTURE FEATURE EXTRACTION IN CBIR An overview of the proposed CBIR system is illustrated in Fig. 1. The proposed algorithm, Label Wavelet Transform (LWT), is based on color image segmentation [1], and it is an extens
- 这个小程序主要是对图片的一些处理上能够帮上需要的忙!一般情况下,对于标注或者是图片的裁剪等,这是一个很好的工具~~推荐使用-This small program is a picture of some processing on the need to help busy! Normal circumstances, the label or image cropping, etc. It is a good tool to use @ @ ~ ~ Recommended
- 关于图像标注的源码 值得收藏matlab 代码 -image annotation
- 手是识别 Analyze an image containing an HSV coloured gloved hand. Find the largest contour, its convex hull, amnd convexity defects. Extract finger tips the defects and, by assuming that it is a left hand, label the fingers.-HandDetector Analy
- 对数据集中的图片目标的位置进行标注,会自动生成标注信息文件,用于新图片数据集的制作。(Aiming for building a new image dataset. Mark out the target object manually and it generate a label.)
- minst手写体数据库图像标签读取 用于训练神经网络(minst handwritten database image label read)