- ADO.NET SQLite Data Provider SourceCode
- Using asp.net3.5 to write, database use SQLite, do not need to buy the database CMS, suitable for website use, the use of the news home page. 1, adopt. Net+sqlite framework, easy to maintain, use. 2, the program has static generation function, gene
- The commonly used.NET2.0 version, convenient deployment, database using SQLITE, download the source code without any configuration can be used. The front end is used in the open-source ASP.NET JNTemplate template engine, as long as the modified templ
- 1, use. Net+sqlite framework, easy to maintain, use. 2, the program has a static generation function, and the web site opens faster after it is generated. 3, independent backstage management, users can manage the web site in a simple way. 4, using
- 在VB中使用sqlite数据库,我是从GIThub上下载的,而且没有经过原作者的同意(SQL using vb6,I downloaded it from NET, and no original author.)