- 1.功能强大、细节完善 除了拥有主流团购网站功能,更特别支持短信重发、后台补单等功能,应对服务器问题造成的优惠券丢失或短信丢失等 2.数据全面、财务安全 不论前台用户支付、充值,还是管理员后台确认到款等,涉及资金的每一笔操作都有详细的记录操作,方便核对,保证财务安全 3.安装简单、升级方便 使用手拉手团购系统几分钟即可搭建好一个团购网站;后台支持从任意版本一键升级到最新版,彻底摆脱传统升级的麻烦和危险 4.高效稳定、容易扩展 系统架构安全、稳定又高效,采用国际流行的M
- 主要用于网站上的小功能,比如购物,比如团购等等基本功能-Is mainly used on the site , such as shopping, basic functions such as buy , and so on .
- 一个小型的团购网站,使用.net、mssql、html-A small buy site, the use of the net, mssql, html
- 用php编写团购网站,包含团购网站基本功能-Writing buy site with php, contains the basic functions of the buy site
- 最土网团购程序商业版 最土团购软件是基于Web应用的B/S架构的团购网站建设解决方案的建站系统。它可以让用户高效、快速、低成本的构建个性化、专业化、强大功能的团购网站。从技术层面来看,本程序采用目前软件开发IT业界较为流行的PHP和MYSQL数据库开发技术架构。从功能层面来看,前台首页每天显示一个服务或插产品的限时限最低成团人数的团购项目,具有邮件订阅,好友邀请,人人网、开心网、新浪微博、MSN/QQ分享,短信发送,购买凭证券在线打印、下载等功能。最土团购软件管理员后台具有人性化的邮件发送
- 基于android的实现团购网站的..... .-Android based implementation buy site
- 团购网站,jsp开发的,代码sql齐全,简单实用,扩展性好-Buy site, jsp development, code sql complete, simple, practical, and good scalability
- 功能强大,含有购物,下载,新闻,二手交易,团购,社区模块,是快速建立购物网站/商业信息门户的最佳选择,支持自定义产品属性/页面显示布局,支持功能扩展 后台:open/index.asp 默认帐号/密码为: 0510/0510-Powerful, containing shopping, downloads, news, secondary trading, buy, community module, the best choice is to quickly build shoppin
- 本地宝团购导航网站v1.2是由本地宝提供API接口调取团购数据,使用本程不用管理接口、数据采集,只需将程序放在网站某文件夹或域名下。程序是经过SEO优化,对提升网站流量有很大帮助,如果你的网站支持rewrite伪静态的话,你可以开启伪静态功能。-Local treasure buy navigation site v1.2 is provided by a local treasure API interface data retri buy, do not use the process m
- 骏商团购导航程序,是继手拉手团购程序推出后,团队再继续打造的一款针对于团购导航的开源程序,为了带给消费者有品质保障的团购服务,为了保护被收录的1500家团购网站的健康发展,同时为了解决更多商家对团购营销的急迫需求,骏商网络提出团购3.0的全新概念,并在购团网上实现了部分发布团需的功能。-Chun providers buy navigation program, following the launch of a program to buy hand in hand, and then con
- 最土团购程序是基于Web应用的B/S架构的团购网站建设解决方案的建站系统。它可以让用户高效、快速、低成本的构建个性化、专业化、强大功能的团购网站。-Most soil buy program is the establishment of systems buy site building Web applications based on B/S architecture solutions. It allows users to efficiently, quickly and inexpe
- 易想团购管理系统是一套定位中高端市场的团购内容管理系统,能够以最低的成本,最少的人力投入在最短的时间架设一个功能齐全、性能优异、规模庞大并易于维护的网站平台。-Easy to want to buy management system is a targeting high-end market, buy content management system, at the lowest cost, with minimal human input in the shortest possible
- ECgroupon是ecshop的一个团购插件,具备团购网站所有特征及功能!ECgroupon是一个独立的团购程序,用户完全看不到商城网站繁琐的流程!ECgroupon和ecshop可以友好共存,互相关照!-ECgroupon is ecshop buy a plug-in, with all the features and functions of buy site! ECgroupon is an independent group purchase program, the user c
- LHT蓝海豚团购导航程序是“蓝海豚”推出的一款免费PHP开源团购网站系统程序;以2.0为基础,对整站代码进行了重新优化编写;此测试版本在新功能上尚无增进,目的性主要是进行压力及稳定性测试评估!-LHT Blue Dolphin buy navigation program is Blue Dolphin launched a free open source PHP buy site system program 2.0, based on the entire station code
- 小团团购导航,大方美观的默认界面、团购活动与团购网站资讯、团购点评、团购网站排名、团购地图、团购网站主动与被动采集等功能于一身,为您提供了完备的团购导航软件。-Small group buy navigation, generous beautiful default interface, buy buy site activities with information, reviews buy, buy site ranking, buy a map, buy web site active
- 有一团购导航友情链接程序,采用XML文件存储数据。有一团购导航诚邀各团购网站提交信息!如有意与本站交换友情链接,请先在贵网站上添加本站链接。 管理员密码:admin-There is a link to buy navigation procedures, using XML files to store data. There is a buy buy site navigation invites members to submit information! If you are int
- 橙色团购网站导航菜单非常适合团购类网站使用,DIV+CSS架构,看起来比较的美观大方,特别是导航菜单两边,让人看了后,有一种看了还想看的感觉,就像坐公交车看到了美女一样。-Orange buy site navigation menu is very suitable for use buy sites, DIV+ CSS structure, looks a nice, especially the navigation menu on both sides, people looked af
- 团购网站商品分类导航代码是一款基于jQuery制作的适合大型团购、电商网站使用的网站导航菜单。鼠标点击全部团购分类,侧边弹出二级栏目菜单,鼠标经过二级栏目显示出详细三级栏目!红色风格,有全部团购分类、首页、餐饮美食、休闲娱乐、旅游住宿、生活服务、丽人、商品等栏目。-Categories buy site navigation based on jQuery code that is produced for a large buy, site navigation menus electrici
- 团购名站:显示分类下的所有团购网站,点击团购站,可直接进行查看、推荐、收藏 精品商城:为网民推荐展示非团购网站的网上商城 今日团购:显示各团购网站正在进行的团购-Group buy name: show all categories under the buy site, click on the group buy station, you can directly view, recommend, collect boutique Mall: for the users recommende
- ECgroupon是ecshop的一个团购插件,具备团购网站所有特征及功能! ECgroupon是一个独立的团购程序,用户完全看不到商城网站繁琐的流程!-ECgroupon ecshop is a buy plug-in, with buy all the features and functions of the site! ECgroupon is a separate group purchase program, the user can not see the mall site cu