- 1.建立一个无向图的邻接表存储 2。对该图进行深度优先搜索,按顺序输出所访问的-1. The establishment of an undirected graph in adjacency list is stored 2. Depth-first search of the graph, according to the order of the output of the visit
- 1) 使用邻接矩阵和邻接表储表示分别实现如下给定的图1、图2、图3所示图的物理存储结构。 2) 在1)所建立的图形存储结构上分别实现深度优先搜索遍历和广度优先搜索遍历,并给出遍历结果(序列)。 -1) Use an adjacency matrix and adjacency table represent savings realized as 1, 2, given the physical storage structure diagram shown in Figure 3. F