- The licenses for most software designed to take away your freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free software--to make sure the software is free
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- P2PSim是由麻省理工学院的计算机科学和Al实验室的Gil等人开发的GKL+03]。P2PSim最初的目标是“使得理解P2P协议源代码变得容易,使得比较不同的协议变得便利,使得协议具有合理的性能
- ISIC -- IP Stack Integrity Checker, is intended to test the integrity of an IP Stack and its component stacks (TCP, UDP, ICMP et. al.) It does this by generating a controlled random packet-ISIC- IP Stack Integrity Checker, is intended to tes
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- Mango Sniffer 2 (MS2), es un programa de computadora escrito en Lenguaje C puro, que utiliza una biblioteca de apoyo llamada “libpcap”. MS2 es un programa denominado Sniffer (Palabra en ingles que literalmente debería traducirle como “husmeador”). Ma
- servidor en udp no orientado a al conexion-servidor en udp no orientado a al conexion
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