- 这是关于ns2学习的资料,利用c和otcl语言编写,文中给出组播通信代码分析-Means study on the information and the use of c otcl language, This paper gives multicast communication Code Analysis
- C# SOCKET编程,异步通讯方式,提供客户端和服务端。,C# SOCKET programming, asynchronous means of communication to provide client and server.
- C#.NET+SQL,标准三层架构,企业版网站访问统计系统,用柱状图显示按日月两种口径统计的网站浏览量,柱状图显示按照国内外地区分类的网站浏览量,分析按源自不同搜索引擎和访问途径的浏览量,详细记录显示每个访问者的详细信息 -C#. NET+ SQL, the standard three-tier system, Enterprise Edition Web site visit statistics system, the histogram shows the moon two calibe
- 一个很好的C均值聚类算法!通过运行此文件可以很好的进行数据的分类。-K-means
- 请编写一个面向无连接的基本SOCKET套接字的C/S通信程序。本题属于其服务器端,程序的要求是:创建一个数据报式套接字,并与本地的20005号端口进行绑定,等待客户端发来的一个int数据,收到数据后,将这个int整数输出,并判断它是否为一个素数(判断结果用0和1表示,0表示“否”, 1表示“是”),然后将判断结果回送给对方,最后关闭套接字,退出系统。-Please write a basic connectionless-oriented socket SOCKET C/S communicat
- arp Smit is a simple ARP hijacking tool for switched/unswitched networks. It wor ks even better on switched networks, because the spoofed sides do not see th e duplicated packets. I based the tool on sources from arpmitm and arprelay and included nic
- We assume that the reader is familiar with the NS2 basics. That means having read and at least mostly understood “Marc Greis’ Tutorial” [1]. It would be very useful if you also take a look at “The ns Manual” [2], specially chapters 3-5, 10-12,
- The VLFeat open source library implements popular computer vision algorithms specializing in image understanding and local featurexs extraction and matching. Algorithms incldue Fisher Vector, VLAD, SIFT, MSER, k-means, hierarchical k-means, agglomera
- You are required to build a shell scr ipt that does text file processing. The requirements of the text file processing are: A. Make sure there is ONLY one single blank space after a full stop (.) and the character that comes right after it.
- Write and test a C-language program to do text file processing as follows: Preprocessing: A. Make sure there is ONLY one single blank space after a full stop (.) and the character that comes right after it. B. Same behavior as in [A] for comm
- K-means动态聚类c++程序 K-means动态聚类c++程序-K- means dynamic using c++ program
- kmeans动态聚类 kmeans动态聚类-K-means dynamic clustering c++ program
- linux c 实现k-means算法,利用这个源码,可以对数值类数据进行聚类,达到我们期望的效果-linux c achieve k-means algorithm, using this source, you can type data values are clustered to achieve our desired effect
- classification de fuzzy c means clustering implmente en c++ ..
- 这是用C语言写的一个轻量级的XML解析器。把绝大部分的功能都实现了,支持UNICODE编码和自定义Tags,适用于嵌入式系统的开发中。-Simple XML parser written in C, with limited XPath and Unicode support and customizable tags. Simple means that it does not implement all XML specifications, only the most widely u
- QPHP,意为快速PHP,它是一个与ASP.NET类似的MVC框架。 基本上它是这样一个情况: 整合了Java和C#的美感 除去了在其他PHP框架中使用的Perl形式的意义含糊的语言 大量基于OOP的概念 -QPHP, which means fast PHP, is a similar MVC framework to ASP.NET. Basically it is such a situation: the integration of Java and C# aesthetic in t
- 本系统结合Internet,GPRS以及嵌入式相关技术,实现了通过网络对家中情况进行实时监控; 项目有linux服务器、Android客户端,web客户端组成;服务器利用C语言的多线程操作,实现了视频采集,温度湿度监测,灯光控制;短信报警;通过socket实现与Android客户端远程通讯和实时传输视频和温湿度数据;安卓客户端通过多线程与服务器进行数据交换。Web客户端可以在PC上通过浏览器登录服务器查看监控视频和温湿度数据;对于温度超过预设值,服务器通过GPRS发送提示短息给客户手机,客户通
- 这是一个实际的项目衍生出来的核心算法之一。防伪码是我们现在经常在商品上看到的防伪手段之一,现在需要编写一个防伪码生成器,按照输入参数生成防伪码,并且把生成的时间及指定的防伪码输出。(This is one of the core algorithm of a project is derived. The security code is one of the means of security we now often see on the goods, now need to write a