- It provides a base of DICT web service ( similar to DICT rfc2229) and create relative applications (server side,client side), they are all SOAP based.-It provides a base of DICT web service (similar to DICT rfc2229) and create relative applications
- It provides a base of DICT web service ( similar to DICT rfc2229) and create relative applications (server side,client side), they are all SOAP based.-It provides a base of DICT web service (similar to DICT rfc2229) and create relative applications
- 中文分词词库
- 可以支持HTTP/HTTPS/FTP/FTPS/DICT/TELNET/LDAP/FILE 和GOPHER等协议,功能非常强大。-Supports HTTP/HTTPS/FTP/FTPS/DICT/TELNET/LDAP/FILE and GOPHER protocols such, is very powerful.
- 自己基于QT4.3.3写的一个小浏览器框,拖拽文字进入窗口后,会自动从dict.cn获取该关键字相关的翻译内容并显示出来。-QT4.3.3 write their own based on the browser in a small box, drag the text into the window, it will automatically acquire the dict.cn translation of the contents of the relevant keywords a
- 这是用Python的Xmpppy模块做的一个Gtalk查询机器人,暂时实现了天气情况,星座运程,公交路线,股票走势,中英词典,资讯新闻,美剧节目表的功能查询,而且,我特意将饭否机器人绑定到Della上,这样她就可以接收饭否上的查询信息并作出回应 Astro.py Bus.py Della.py Dict.py Drama.py Fanfou.py News.py Stock.py Weather.py 项目Google Code:http://cod
- LibCurl是免费的客户端URL传输库,支持FTP,FTPS ... Libcurl具备线程安全、IpV6兼容、易于使用的特点,支持多种平台-libcurl is a free and easy-to-use client-side URL transfer library, supporting FTP, FTPS, HTTP, HTTPS, SCP, SFTP, TFTP, TELNET, DICT, LDAP, LDAPS and FILE. libcurl supports SSL c
- curl源代码,crul为功能强大的文件传输的命令行工具,支持ftp、http等-curl is a command line tool for transferring files with URL syntax, supporting FTP, FTPS, HTTP, HTTPS, SCP, SFTP, TFTP, TELNET, DICT, LDAP, LDAPS and FILE. curl supports SSL certificates, HTTP POST, HTTP PUT,
- 雅虎奇摩字典的命令列工具,需要python環境。-Command line tool of Yahoo! Dict
- 功能非常强大,可以使用其做出网络爬虫或网络下载工具,里面支持HTTP/HTTPS/FTP/FTPS/DICT/TELNET/LDAP/FILE 和GOPHER等协议。使用时请把结尾的.gz去掉-Very powerful, you can use to make web crawler or web download tool which supports HTTP/HTTPS/FTP/FTPS/DICT/TELNET/LDAP/FILE, and GOPHER, etc. protocol.
- CURL curl是一个利用URL语法在命令行方式下工作的文件传输工具。 它支持很多协议:FTP, FTPS, HTTP, HTTPS, GOPHER, TELNET, DICT, FILE 以及 LDAP。
- Parser for http://emu-land.net that downloads all games in specified category. USAGE: # emu-parse.py portable gba ROMs are saved in `emu-parse-data` directory. ATTENTION: not all of categories accessible now, so you should modify source (add UR
- Libcurl为一个免费开源的,客户端url传输库,支持FTP,FTPS,TFTP,HTTP,HTTPS,GOPHER,TELNET,DICT,FILE和LDAP,跨平台,支持Windows,Unix,Linux等,线程安全,支持Ipv6。并且易于使用。-Libcurl for a free open source, the client url transmission library, support FTP, FTPS, TFTP, HTTP, HTTPS, GOPHER, TELNET,
- libcurl主要功能就是用不同的协议连接和沟通不同的服务器~也就是相当封装了的sockPHP 支持libcurl(允许你用不同的协议连接和沟通不同的服务器)。, libcurl当前支持http, https, ftp, gopher, telnet, dict, file, 和ldap 协议。libcurl同样支持HTTPS证书授权,HTTP POST, HTTP PUT, FTP 上传(当然你也可以使用PHP的ftp扩展), HTTP基本表单上传,代理,cookies,和用户认证。-libc
- curl的作用:curl是一个利用URL语法在命令行方式下工作的文件传输工具。 它支持很多协议:FTP, FTPS, HTTP, HTTPS, GOPHER, TELNET, DICT, FILE 以及 LDAP。curl同样支持HTTPS认证,HTTP POST方法, HTTP PUT方法, FTP上传, kerberos认证, HTTP上传, 代理服务器, cookies, 用户名/密码认证, 下载文件断点续传,上载文件断点续传, http代理服务器管道( proxy tunneling),
- curl7.29.0 最新版。LibCurl是免费的客户端URL传输库,支持FTP, FTPS, HTTP, HTTPS, SCP, SFTP, TFTP, TELNET, DICT, LDAP, LDAPS 和 FILE。 Libcurl具备线程安全、IpV6兼容、易于使用的特点,支持多种平台--libcurl is a free and easy-to-use client-side URL transfer library, supporting FTP, FTPS, HTTP, HTTP
- 自己基于QT4.3.3写的一个小浏览器框,拖拽文字进入窗口后,会自动从dict.cn获取该关键字相关的翻译内容并显示出来。-QT4.3.3 write their own based on the browser in a small box, drag the text into the window, it will automatically acquire the dict.cn translation of the contents of the relevant keywords a
- 在线词典:功能:1、实现用户的登录和注册,保存用户的信息和查询单词的历史记录。 2、根据客户端输入的单词在字典文件件中搜索并显示。 3、支持历史记录查询。-Dictionary: Function: 1, to achieve the user' s login and registration, save the user' s information and query word' s history. 2, according to the client inpu
- curl 和libcurl7.34.0源码,带有windows 下的VS工程, curl是利用URL语法在命令行方式下工作的开源文件传输工具。它被广泛应用在Unix、多种Linux发行版中,并且有DOS和Win32、Win64下的移植版本 -curl is a command line tool for transferring data with URL syntax, supporting DICT, FILE, FTP, FTPS, Gopher, HTTP, HTTPS, IMAP,
- 实现在线电子词典。用C语言实现,用到了socket编程和sqlite3数据库-For online electronic dictionary. Using C language, used in the socket programming and sqlite3 database