- expect测试登录功能的小片段。可以在多个平台上运行
- expect source code for class room application
- Before all : Pure-FTPd was designed on Unix and for Unix. The Windows port has been done because some people are forced to work on Win32 by their pointy hairy boss. For these people, Apache is a nice alternative to IIS. But when it comes to FTP
- this i s a nice book about ant colony algorithm. I used this book in my graduation project and I hope it would help you in your study as well. hope to hear your feedbacks in a nicer manner than you would ever expect
- tcl,expect 使用tcl语句来实现telnet功能-tcl, expect to achieve using the telnet function tcl statement
- packet sniffer in c++ of TCPIP and much more that u cannot expect/
- 本程序是采用XML核心技术与列表控件的应用所开发出来的,其原理是根据QQ号来获取空间音乐地址来进行播放,从此达到不必要到别人空间去试听,并且可以自己下载或转到自己的空间进行使用!目前还在开发下载功能,尽请期待…… -This procedure is the use of XML core technologies with the list control of the applications developed, and its principle is based on QQ, to
- This a simple reverse connection remote administration tool.. a little trojan horse. It s just an example to show you how the reverse connection works, so don t expect too much from it. :)-This is a simple reverse connection remote administration t
- 模仿QQ的一个案例,里面有教学案例,素材,项目参考代码-expect it can help you very well.
- 期望得到 这是一个逆变器的控制程序,慢点吃那么,倒萨vd kls-Expect \matlab\toolbox\physmod\powersys\powersys\powergui.p>InitialS
- 利用脚本自动从官方ftp sever下载vim配色方案,用tcl/expect-Using the scr ipt automatically downloaded from the official ftp sever vim color scheme, with tcl/expect
- expect测试登录功能的小片段。可以在多个平台上运行-expect to test a small fragment of the registry function. Can run on multiple platforms
- 搜搜站吧秘密网是一个很有创意的网站哦,呵呵 以前只是在书里看到,没想到还真有哦。它是一个wodig内核的站,主要功能有:栏目设置,幻灯广告设置,TAG设置,圈子分类和圈子设置以及会员管理等。-Soso secret network station it is a very creative website Oh, Oh was only seen in the book, really did not expect oh. It is a kernel wodig station, the ma
- 鸿思特论坛第一版是一个刚诞生的生命怀着忐忑的心情面视网友,同时更期待着大家的指点提议,我们期望您和我们一起快乐成长,我们的信条是:没有完备的论坛,只有更高明的观点。-Hong Fest Forum is the first edition of a newly born life With disturbed mood, as the face of users, but also look forward to everyone s pointing the proposal, we expe
- 2345网址导航源码终于上线了,由于本人还有其它工作,只有业余有时间制作它,这次历时二个多月,是时间最长、文件最多的一次源码制作,常常熬到晚上一点多,由于这个源码关注度很高,很多网友留言叫我制作,现在总算下来了,之前答复你们一个月能下来的真是不好意思,没想到比想象的复杂、文件众多,一始既往完美高仿、纯净、无插件、无乱码;谢谢你们,希望你们使用愉快!-2345 Web site navigation source finally on the line, because I have other
- god skill there tree stone monkey water i dont want-what you expect when you have nothing in this world
- 这是一个在线购书的网站 原本跟客户谈好价格了,也很相信他,没想到快做好的时候,要找他收钱时竟然耍流氓.... 程序基本功能是可以使用,但还没有经过完整的测试和美化。另外还有一些细节功能上也需要改进才能进入实际使用。-This site is an online textbook originally on a good price with the customer, and also believe that he did not expect soon to do when looking
- 抓包监测工具,是当前较为流行的一种计算机网络调试和数据包嗅探软件。Ethereal 基本类似于tcpdump,但Ethereal 还具有设计完美的 GUI 和众多分类信息及过滤选项。用户通过 Ethereal,同时将网卡插入混合模式,可以查看到网络中发送的所有通信流量。 Ethereal 应用于故障修复、分析、软件和协议开发以及教育领域。它具有用户对协议分析器所期望的所有标准特征,并具有其它同类产品所不具备的有关特征。-Is a more popular computer network deb
- Jellys 2014-04-08 10:32:10 很赞的js许愿墙 类似后盾网(Wishing Wall As you would expect, it is an excellent digital music and video play)