- 用于KOL取得MAC地址的单元,老俄对KOL的支持不错,配套设施齐全-Returns MAC address of the Ethernet network card. On input, set IdxCount to an index of the card (0 is enouth, if Count is not yet known). On output, Count always contains number of cards. It seems th
- 思翔个人电脑登记(缴费管理) 单位内允许个人电脑接入,并按月收取一定的上网费用,根据该需求定制。 1、登记项目:IP、MAC、姓名、接入日期、交费日期、下次交费日期、交费金额 2、超过下次交费日期尚未交费的,显示为欠费用户-Si Xiang PC registration (payment management) The unit allows PC access, and a monthly fee of certain Internet, according to the