- GMLive并不直接提供P2P直播服务。因此我们并不能对提供的服务负责。 它尝试成为一款通用型的流媒体播放外壳。 它以全能的Mplayer播放器为引擎。目标是支持Linuxx下多种类型的P2P广播视频 流,提供一种方便快捷的观看网络视频的方案。-GMLive does not directly provide the P2P video service. So we should not be responsible for the services provided. It tried to
- 使用QT为linux 下的mplayer写的一个新的gui,既可以用鼠标键盘播放视频文件又可以使用菜单控制播放效果-QT for linux using mplayer under Writing a new gui, can use the mouse to the keyboard to play the video file can also control playback using the menu
- mplayer開發驅動,編譯之後即可使用,歡迎大家使用。-mplayer-driven development, the compiler can be used after, welcome you to use.
- 调用mplayer来看西南交通大学网络电视的shell程序,分为两个文件,一个shell程序,一个是播放列表文件,需要手动修改播放列表文件的位置才能使用。-Southwest Jiaotong University, called mplayer run television network shell program, divided into two files, a shell program, one playlist file, need to manually edit the pl
- mplayerplug-in is a browser plugin that uses mplayer to play digital media from websites. This plug-in gives Mozilla the ability to play media from a website the net without reading the source html and getting the url manually. Media is played e
- 基于gtkmm实现的网络播放程序,可借鉴界面以及与mplayer配合使用的方法,感谢开源作者-Based the gtkmm achieve network player can learn the interface as well as the method used in conjunction with mplayer, thanks to the open source of
- 最新ffmpeg 0.6源码,更新到2011/1/20日。-Latest ffmpeg 0.6 source code, updated to 1/20/2011. Replace libswscale svn:external by last revision from the MPlayer repository. The history of libswscale is now available directly in git, which is preferred f
- 基于Linux Qt的mplayer播放器,具有播放暂停,快进快退,上一曲下一曲,实现网络在下播放等功能-Linux Qt-based mplayer player, playback pause, fast forward and rewind, the last one under a network next play function
- linux环境下基于mplayer的qt前端视频播放器 -djfdkgjhdfhkfjfagadgafggagfgafgdfgjafkdgn fhfahfeiinjkfnaduih
- live555是一个为流媒体提供解决方案的跨平台的C++开源项目,它实现了对标准流媒体传输是一个为流媒体提供解决方案的跨平台的C++开源项目,它实现了对标准流媒体传输协议如RTP/RTCP、RTSP、SIP等的支持。Live555实现了对多种音视频编码格式的音视频数据的流化、接收和处理等支持,包括MPEG、H.263+、DV、JPEG视频和多种音频编码。同时由于良好的设计,Live555非常容易扩展对其他格式的支持。目前,Live555已经被用于多款播放器的流媒体播放功能的实现,如VLC(Vid