- 算术编码译码程序,用户可以自己定义信源符号对应的概率。-Arithmetic coding, decoding process, the user can define your own source symbols corresponding probability.
- MATLAB程序,TCP流路由,丢包率计算,包括脚本和simulink模块。-runde2.m (Matlab driver s program for activating 40 TCP flows with an AQM router) vdpol2.m (Matlab function for setting up stochastic differential equations for runde2.m) runde3.m (Matlab driver s program to
- To support the varying Quality-of-Service (QoS) requirements of emerging applications such as those involving continuous media, a new standard IEEE 802.11e has been specified [1]. This standard aims to support QoS by providing differentiated classes
- To support the varying Quality-of-Service (QoS) requirements of emerging applications such as those involving continuous media, a new standard IEEE 802.11e has been specified [1]. This standard aims to support QoS by providing differentiated classes
- To support the varying Quality-of-Service (QoS) requirements of emerging applications such as those involving continuous media, a new standard IEEE 802.11e has been specified [1]. This standard aims to support QoS by providing differentiated classes
- 即时聊天系统,只实现基本功能,希望喜欢,另有未发现bug 不知原因引起死机(发生概率低于1天).-Real-time chat system, only basic functions, hope you like it, and another found no crash bug caused unknown (probability of less than 1 day).
- MiniQQ,可以登录腾讯QQ的程序代码,登录成功的概率不是很高,而且是基于命令行的,可以自己修改来-MiniQQ, Tencent QQ, you can login code, log on is not very high probability of success, and is based on the command line, you can modify to their own play
- 采用分层图方法实现光网络路由,并计算阻塞率-Layered graph method used to achieve optical network routing, and calculate the blocking probability
- 35个用户在1000time slot中,以0.2的概率产生packets,计算产生了多少packets,当一个time slot只允许产生10个,多于10packets就丢掉,计算掉包率-1000 time slot,35 user, probability=0.2 generate packets and dropping packets
- Distance Vector protocol for network with 30 routers and table updating with a Probability of P convergence figure
- 提供一个自己写的做cookie stuffing的小程序 用法 添加用于cs的图片 http://www.domain.com/cs/?action=add&password=密码&name=图片名称.jpg&rate=展示几率&image=http://图片地址&link=推荐连接 修改http://www.domain.com/cs/?action=edit&password=密码&name=图片名称.jpg[&rate=展示几率&image=http://图片地址&link
- tinyos 蚁群算法(ant colony optimization, ACO),又称蚂蚁算法,是一种用来在图中寻找优化路径的机率型算法。它由Marco Dorigo于1992年在他的博士论文中提出,其灵感来源于蚂蚁在寻找食物过程中发现路径的行为。蚁群算法是一种模拟进化算法,初步的研究表明该算法具有许多优良的性质.针对PID控制器参数优化设计问题,将蚁群算法设计的结果与遗传算法设计的结果进行了比较,数值仿真结果表明,蚁群算法具有一种新的模拟进化优化方法的有效性和应用价值-The tinyos
- 这个是概率统计最大算法,此算法是分词算法的一种,是自然语言处理中最有效的分词算法之一,本算法精确度达到95 以上-This is the probability statistics algorithm, this algorithm is a sub-word segmentation algorithm is the most effective natural language processing word segmentation algorithm, the algorithm an
- YY钓年费会员源码带后台钓到鱼几率高下载-YY source membership annual fee fishing catch fish with a high probability of the background
- YY钓鱼网站源码钓到几率高后台操作简单。-YY catch phishing source high probability background simple operation.
- Distance Vector protocol for network with 30 routers and table updating with a Probability of Pconvergence figure
- 经典的最大似然法分类法的C语言实现,有助于深入了解遥感分类原理。-This program implements the maximum likelihood classification procedure. ouput:1.classified image, and 2. probability file.Note: For constructong variance-covariance matrix must be generic binary file.
- awk file, this file manipulates a txt file, a trace file of ns, in order to calculate the average delay and the loss probability
- 通过matlab编程仿真实现不同SNR下检测概率的比较-The comparison of the detection probability under different SNR
- SDN控制器POX编程,主要实现了一个闪断的链路特性,在一定时间内实现一定概率出现的一定时间长度的链路中断-SDN controller POX programming, the main achievement of a flash link characteristics, within a certain time to achieve a certain length of time must link the probability of disruptions