- StirMark可以从多方面测试水印算法的鲁棒性,用于测试的攻击手段包括线性滤波、非线性滤波、剪切/拼接攻击、同步性等。-StirMark from numerous tests robust watermark algorithm, used in testing the means of attack, including linear filter, non-linear filtering, shear / splicing attacks, such as synchronizatio
- ECShop是一款开源免费的通用电子商务平台构建软件,使用她您可以非常方便的开一个网上商店,在网上开展自己的生意。相比于其他商城系统,ECShop有如下特点: 1. 免费开源:ECShop代码完全公开,您无需任何费用即可获得最专业的商城系统。 2. 专业打造:ECSHOP在系统架构,数据库,程序等方面的设计都由资深的专业人士完成,保证了系统的健壮和效率。 3. 功能强大:ECShop支持各种各样流行的促销方式,是一个完善的商城系统。 4. 操作方便:我们的设身处地为用户着想的设
- The NDK is a set of classes that implements a client/server architecture. The NDK hides all the complexity of the connection, sending, and receiving of data over a network. You only have to deal with three classes: CNDKServer, CNDKClient, and CNDKMes
- 用于OMNeT++的模板,可仿真几种经典的无线传感网络节点定位算法,如dv-hop, robust positioning-for OMNeT template, several classical simulation of wireless sensor network node positioning algorithm, is defined as-hop, robust positioning
- 学习winsock的最好例子,分为服务端和客户端 服务端可以接受多个客户端请求并与之连接 服务端和客户端可以互相发送数据,用到了winsock数组,测试时先启动服务端,在运行多个客户端,程序健壮,无任何错误-winsock study of the best examples, divided into server and client server can accept a number of the client request and with connectivity serv
- Heritrix: Internet Archive Web Crawler The archive-crawler project is building a flexible, extensible, robust, and scalable web crawler capable of fetching, archiving, and analyzing the full diversity and breadth of internet-accesible content.
- this source code is java based xmpp client lib. The code is very solid and robust.
Network Development Kit
- The Network Development Kit hides all the complexity of the connection, sending, and receiving of data over a network. You only have to deal with three classes: CNDKServer, CNDKClient, and CNDKMessage. With just a few methods to override, you obtain
- 鲁棒稳定性的好的程序,希望对大家有用,内包含closedlp.m,contplot.m,controller.m,design.m,gplant.m,simu.m,Robust Stability of a good program, I hope all of you useful, contains closedlp.m, contplot.m, controller.m, design.m, gplant.m, simu.m
- VB实现XML文档的查询,非常健壮的一个系统,强烈推荐-VB achieve query XML documents, a very robust system, strongly recommend
- Descr iption: Microsoft?Windows?HTTP Services (WinHTTP) provides developers with a server-supported, high-level interface to the HTTP/1.1 Internet protocol. WinHTTP is designed to be used primarily in server-based scenarios by server applications tha
- 很好的P2P参考示例,P2P网络流行的发起者;PeerCast是一个健壮的网络,因为不存在中心服务器,每个用户可以是客户,也可是服务器,也可以是流的广播者。-P2P good reference example, P2P networks popular initiator PeerCast is a robust network because there is no central server, each user can be a customer, but also servers,
- 使用INTEL矢量统计类库的程序,包括以下功能: Raw and central moments up to 4th order Kurtosis and Skewness Variation Coefficient Quantiles and Order Statistics Minimum and Maximum Variance-Covariance/Correla
- TCP Robust Explicit Congestion Notification 协议分析。这个是我上博士时的作业ppt.-TCP Robust Explicit Congestion Notification protocol analysis. This is my doctoral work at the time of ppt.
- 针对目前分布式协同设计软件的特点,本文提出了一种基于jxta协同设计p2p模型"介绍了该模型的总体结构和节点结构、组通信的算法和相应的通信协议的设计、户和系统的双向认证机制"该系统具有高效、分散、安全和健壮等特点"最后以协同绘图作为实例验证了系统的正确性和实用性。-Distributed Collaborative Design view of the current features of the software, this paper, a p2p-based collaborative
- 综述了mp3音频水印的概况,是不错的英文资料 -MP3 Robust Digital Watermarking
- 提出了一个新奇的用来构建和维护覆盖网拓扑的一般机制。该机制基于gossip模式,节点和随机选择的对等体交换信息,并按照特定的P2P应用需求来重新安排拓扑,本协议非常的高效和鲁棒,能够处理节点持续的加入和离开系统的流,且即使现存的所有SP移除也能修复。-In this code,we propose a novel approach to construct and maintain the topology. This approach is based on gossip protocol,
- 搜索动力2009(asp access)最新版基于在线搜盟云搜索, 及时修复死链、将钓鱼网站拒之门外.强大的搜索功能、前沿的应用、兼容性好、方便易上手、为用户提供最好的搜索体验!-Search Power 2009 (asp access) the latest version of the AU based on online search cloud search, timely repair broken links, phishing Web site will be shut out.
- Tomcat是一个免费的开源的Serlvet容器,它是Apache基金会的Jakarta项目中的一个核心项目,由Apache,Sun和其它一些公司及个人共同开发而成。由于有了Sun的参与和支持,最新的Servlet和Jsp规范总能在Tomcat中得到体现。 Tomcat是稳固的独立的Web服务器与Servlet Container,不过,其Web服务器的功能则不如许多更健全的Web服务器完整,如Apache Web服务器(举例来说,Tomcat没有大量的选择性模块)。不过,Tomcat是自由
- XML XML 与Access,Oracle和SQLServer等数据库不同,数据库提供了更强有力的数据存储和分析能力,例如:数据索引、排序、查找、相关一致性等,XML仅仅是展示数据-XML XMLXML with Access, Oracle, and SQLServer databases such as different database provides a more robust data storage and analysis capabilities, such as: dat