- TCP Robust Explicit Congestion Notification 协议分析。这个是我上博士时的作业ppt.-TCP Robust Explicit Congestion Notification protocol analysis. This is my doctoral work at the time of ppt.
- XML XML 与Access,Oracle和SQLServer等数据库不同,数据库提供了更强有力的数据存储和分析能力,例如:数据索引、排序、查找、相关一致性等,XML仅仅是展示数据-XML XMLXML with Access, Oracle, and SQLServer databases such as different database provides a more robust data storage and analysis capabilities, such as: dat
- tvfemd可进行序列分解,比emd分解效果可能要好一点。(he sifting process is completed using a time varying filter technique.The local cut-off frequency is adaptively designed by fully facilitating the instantaneous amplitude and frequency information. Then nonuniform B-spli