- 获取远程桌面的图像, 需要在目标主机上运行服务端程序-Remote Desktop access to the images, the need to run on the target server host program
- 用VC++编程实现远程关机,还可以中止执行目标机的程序。 在IP地址框输入IP,就可以执行操作了,请不要用于非法途径或恶作剧,仅供学习参考。-VC++ programming with remote shutdown, but also the target machine to suspend the implementation of procedures. Enter the IP address in the box IP, you can perform operations, and
- this code shows how to use the ENC28J60 mini library : * the board will reply to ARP & ICMP echo requests * the board will reply to UDP requests on any port : * returns the request in upper char with a header made of remote host IP & port nu
- 远程关机的C++实现,用VC++编程实现远程关机,还可以中止执行目标机的程序。-Remote Shutdown of C++, using VC++ programming remote shutdown, you can also suspend the implementation of target programs.
- 远程控制计算机,远程控制是管理人员在异地通过计算网络、异地拨号或双方接入Internet等手段连接目标计算机,通过本地计算对远程计算机进行管理或维护的行为。-Remote control computer,Remote control is the management of personnel in different places by computing network, remote dial-up or both access Internet means connected to t
- 基于Socket编程技术,设计、实现并测试网络主机信息探测子系统。 通过NetBIOS获取远程主机信息 能够用列表方式显示目标主机的IP 能够用列表方式显示目标主机的MAC 能够用表格方式显示目标主机的计算机名 -Socket based programming technology, design, implement and test network host information detection subsystem. Get the remote host N
- 雨哲树网程序是根据小偷程序原理和Rss功能思路制作,采用asp动态语言+dll组件读取远程网页上的数据(网页内容、图片)经过程序后台处理后显示在自己的网页上。这里采用的思路也即俗称的网页小偷程序的思路。与采集程序一样,不同的是采集程序需要将远程数据入库到本地数据库中,而小偷程序则是实时读取目标站点的内容即时显示到访客浏览器上。-Yu Zhe tree network program is based on the principles and procedures thief Rss featu
- Mpic(PHP图片小偷程序)采集于27270.net,仅供学习参考,请勿用于商业用途 另外,小偷程序也不够稳定,依赖于目标网站 因为要远程调用,速度也要慢些 界面非常简洁,如有需要可以自己修改添加自己的修饰,不够这倒挺适合手机浏览。-Mpic (PHP image thief procedures) collected in 27270.net, only to learn reference, not for commercial use in addition, the thief pr